Chapter Two

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Later that day, Yarian and Cyber went back out of Vackes's room to explore the castle. Yarian knew most parts of it since she was very young, and wanted Cyber to get a feel of it through the tour. Her stomach growled loudly, meaning it was time to eat. Yarian looked over to Cyber in confusion.

"What was that? Was it your stomach?" Yarian asked, even more confused. "How can W1SPS eat?"

Cyber signed in response to how she ate, how her system worked and what she was able to eat. Yarian nodded, understood what she said.

"Okay, perfect. It's been almost a week since I've eaten anything. So I'm starting to get a little hungry myself." She said. Cyber took Yarian’s hand to take her to the dining room... which she didn't know where it was at. Yarian giggled, then walked slightly faster to take the lead. Cyber's tail swished happily while following Yarian.

They arrived at the dining room to grab snacks. The cooler had frozen cakes, ice cream of hundreds of flavours, Popsicles, fruits and such. Yarian scooped a bowl of ice cream for Cyber to try which was a vanilla bean and chocolate mix. Cyber tried a small bite, thought about it for a minute until she instantly dug in. She let out purrs of pure joy while eating. Yarian giggled as she got herself a bowl.

"I'm so glad you like it. That's one of my most favourite flavours." Yarian said to Cyber. "Just don't eat too fast or you'll get a brain freeze."

Cyber and Yarian finished their snacks quickly before resuming their tour. Cyber noticed that Yarian’s skin felt rough and hard as she started lightly scratching at her arm. Yarian looked over seeing Cyber curiously scratching.

"Ah, it's getting close to time for me to molt. My skin will get too stiff for me to walk soon, so that's why we're doing this today."

"You should go ahead and settle down, Yarian." A voice behind them said, causing the two to jump in startle. They both turned around seeing Taniah.

"Oh! Hi, Taniah! I'll do that very soon, I promise. I just want to have Cyber here get a feel of our castle. Since there's a war nearing, we want to ensure Cyber remains safe with us." Yarian explained to Taniah.

"You're very sweet, Yarian. Even I'm proud of you for being so protective of your new friend here. Where is she from?" Taniah asked.

"Cyber here is from the planet Kurieiay. Vackes said it's in our solar system!" Yarian replied. Taniah smiled a little and nodded.

"Ah, very interesting. That planet I've learned is extremely cold and dark since it's away from our orbiting star." Taniah said. "Well, I'll leave you both to it. I'll be in my room if you need me." She then walked off where she came.

Cyber wiggled her tail as she kept walking alongside Yarian. The two then walked up to an old fashioned door. Yarian was confused as to why an old door was there. She slowly opened the door to reveal a musty room. The room was huge with chipped paint, dust everywhere, mold on the walls and a horrible smell was emitted that made Yarian and Cyber nauseous. The two walked inside of it anyways to look around. The air was stale and heavy since it had been left alone for a long time.

"I don't think we've been in here before. This all looks so... ancient. I know this castle is over 100 years old, bur I thought everything would be modern. I wonder why nobody has touched this room..." Yarian whispered to Cyber.

Once Yarian walked far enough she saw a bed that was completely covered in old webs that were ancient. The smell was worse than when they entered, causing Yarian to throw up in her mouth a little. Cyber tore down the old silk curtains from the bed to reveal what was on it.

Arachnarii remains.

Yarian paled and felt like she was about to faint while Cyber silently "screamed" and backed away from the bed.

"Oh my God... who died in here?!" Yarian gasped. Something shiny then caught her eye. A very small chip was in the very center of the bed, where the legs of the Arachnarii skeleton was surrounding. Yarian grabbed the small chip to examine it.

"We should give this to Vackes to research he might know what it is." Yarian whispered to Cyber.

"Yarian!! What are you doing in there?! Get out it's not safe!!" A voice yelled from behind. Yarian and Cyber both sprinted out of the room and stopped right in front of Violet.

"O-oh! Hi, Violet! What was in there?" Yarian asked.

"I'll tell you later. For now just stay out of that room. The mold in there would kill you if you stayed for too long." Violet scolded. "You should never stick your nose in places you're not supposed to."

"Right... sorry, Violet..." Yarian said in a sad tone. "We were just curious as to why this room is the only thing that has never been renovated. What I do know is this castle is so old."

"You really want to know? Then come with me to my workshop before you two get in trouble by mum." Violet said, leading the two away from the abandoned room.

They went back to Violet's workshop, Violet pointing to a couch next to her desk. The two sat down, looking anxiously at her.

"That room was where our grandmother used to be in. She was the queen before Mum currently. She passed away from a heart attack in her sleep. Instead of burying or cremating her, Mum decided to keep her remains in that room and block it off. The reason to keep her in that room was because she was discovered almost a month after of wanting to be left alone. Her body was already fused with the sheets, so it was too late to do anything else." Violet explained. It only made Yarian a little irritated.

"Since you knew, why didn't I know it before?!" Yarian hissed.

"Calm down, Yarian. Honestly, I was the only person that knew about it besides Mum. Hell, Taniah doesn't know. She didn't want to know because she's too busy. She knows that our grandmother is gone, but not the whole reason to why she's gone." Violet replied sharply. "Promise me you two won't yap your mouth about it?"

"I promise." Yarian said, Cyber signing in response.

"Good. You two are free to go." Violet said as she dismissed the two.

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