Untitled Part 1

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It had been a long journey for Dan and Phil. Their tender online romance soon blossomed into impossible-to-deny love for each other. A love which was solidified and confirmed when they first met, for they'd been scared that things in the real world, without a computer screen to shield them, wouldn't be the same, but they'd been relieved to find out that it really wasn't. How could it be, when the electricity between them, now such a short distance apart, was nearly enough to set them both on fire with every touch.

Years passed from that day, and Dan and Phil's friendship grew stronger, and their desire far greater. They'd discussed being together many a time, but they both agreed that it wasn't worth the risk. They clearly liked each other, and they were practically inseparable, but what if it went wrong? Dan couldn't imagine a life without Phil, and Phil would start disintegrating at the mere thought of them not being a duo anymore. And that intention persisted, they never risked more than a cuddle or the brisk touch of their hands, until they became aware of changing circumstances: their eyes would linger on each other for just a bit longer; their hands, arms, feet touched more and more each day; and they cuddled at any given opportunity. One day, Dan couldn't handle it, and broke the subtle silence;

*Dan's POV* ~in the past~

Phil and I are in the middle of making a fresh batch of red velvet cupcakes, and I seriously can not stop looking at his fine ass every time he bends over to pick something he'd inevitably have dropped. I keep catching myself staring through the corner of my eyes, or outright turning my head to steal a few seconds to appreciate how fucking incredible he is.

We'd promised not to risk it, it's been over 2 years since that discussion, but it's remnants still hang in the air, the ghost of a word we forced ourselves to keep.

"Isn't that right, Dan?" shit, I zoned out.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"Is everything alright Dan? You've been staring into space a lot more than usual..do I need to lay a blanket down at the bottom of those stairs, in case you need it?"

"Nono it's nothing like that" I couldn't help chuckling at his comment, his consideration on the littlest on things makes me aching to take him into my arms, and smoosh the life out of him. How can I not love him??

"If you need to talk Dan, you know I'm here"

"I know. So what was it about the cupcakes?" I smiled and changed the topic, if I kept eye contact with him for any longer my cheeks would start to burn. My mind kept drifting off to the possibilities of what could have been, of what could still be. I lifted my eyes to look at Phil, who was trying to find the best-fitting bowl for the ban-marie, talking excitedly and his tongue sneaking through his teeth every time he laughed. I couldn't help myself. My heart was frantic, my hands were jittery, and every ounce of desire I'd suppressed came flooding back all at once.

My body moved on its own, and I lopped my arms around Phil, holding him from behind. He'd slowed down his talking.

"Are you okay, Dan?"


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