Ineffable Husbands Age Regression

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"Dear boy? I'm back! I brought some new tea for us!" A whimper came from the back of the room, hiding in the bushes that Crowley brought with him when he moved into the bookshop. "Dear boy?" Aziraphale made his way over to the bushes, pushing a few of the larger leaves away. "Are you okay, Crowley?" A small snake slithered away from the stem of the bush, much smaller than the usual serpents size. "Oh your just my little demon aren't you? Would you like to come out and have a cuddle?" The snake hurridly made it's way out from the bush, transforming into a more humanoid form, the demon we know as Crowley. Tears fell from behind his black glasses, hiding the golden eyes that were wide with anxiety. "What's wrong my boy?" Crowley rushed to Aziraphale, wrapping his arms around him tightly as if he were still a snake. "Azi left. Azi left me 'cause I was bad. Angel didn't want me anymore." Aziraphale wrapped his arms around Crowley, "Oh no my dear boy. I would never leave you. You are such a good boy." Crowley shook his head where it was hidden in Aziraphale's chest. "Azi said he wouldn't talk to me again. Scared me." Aziraphale suddenly realised what had caused this, running his hand through Crowley's hair. "No, my dear boy. I would never do that. I said that to you because I was scared. That doesn't mean I should have said it but it is why and I will never, ever do that again." Crowley turned his head, "Truly?" Aziraphale smiled at him, adoringly. "Truly, dear boy. Now why don't we go have that cuddle before we make some tea? I got a sweet one just for an occasion like this." Crowley smiled, hearing he would get a sweet treat. "Yes please, Angel." Aziraphale smiled at Crowley before picking him up. "Beautiful manners, Crowley. Absolutely amazing." Aziraphale always made sure to praise Crowley for being kind, reassuring him it was the right thing to do and that he wouldn't be punished for it as he had in Hell.

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