Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 4

Magsimula sa umpisa

"O'Hara..?" Your voice comes out as a whisper but he doesn't acknowledge you. You say his name again and he still doesn't respond.

"Miguel....?" You reach out and place both your hands on his thigh and as soon as your hand makes contact the car comes to a screeching halt causing your body to jerk forward his arm immediately shoots out in front of you protectively preventing your body from going any further.

"A la mierda princesa no puedes......you can't do that....you can't touch me while I'm driving"

( A la mierda princesa no puedes= Fuck princess you can't)

You begin to panic "Fuck S-Sorry Miguel I wasn't trying to-" You immediately pull your hands away and turn your body as far away from him as possible

"I know I know....fuck just let me know when you do......okay?" You just nod. What else can you say? Miguel takes a deep breath before he takes his arm away and begins to drive again. You begin to hug yourself again, slightly shivering. It's cold, very very cold. You hear him curse under his breath before he turns on the heat. You mutter a thank you before you rest your head against the window. You'll ask him about it later.


Miguel watches you from his peripheral as you try to warm yourself up. He's trying to keep his composure. He really really is.....just .....He wasn't expecting you to touch him. To touch his thigh nonetheless. This is insane one touch from you and he nearly crashed his fucking car. Silence fills the air; the only sound that can be heard is the rain pelting against his car. Your trip home is going to be a little bit longer because of the weather and he doesn't want to sit in silence with you. Maybe he should say something, speak to you, say anything. But what should he say? He can't ask you how your day was because he already knows the answer. Maybe he can play some music or ask-

His mouth opens before his brain has time to formulate a response. "Turn on the radio" No no he was supposed to ask you not demand. Before he has time to say what he really wants to say you respond

"Oh.....uh what do you want to listen to?" You brush your hair back reaching to touch the button that you think is the radio

"No that's not-" he places his hands over yours to guide you to the right button before he goes back to steering

"Thank you" You pause "What should I-"

He shrugs "Whatever you want. I don't care"

You hesitantly switch through the stations looking at him to get any reaction but of course, he remains expressionless. You finally decide on the station playing classical music. Everyone likes classical music right?? The music floats through the air as you take comfort in the silence that falls between you. You begin to close your eyes as the events of the day finally wear down on you. You rest your hands in your lap and your head on the window as you fight to keep your eyes open.


Miguel has been parked outside of your apartment for the last 15 minutes as you sleep peacefully next to him. The rain finally stopped and he didn't know what to do. Should he wake you or let you sleep? Or should he just carry you home? He wouldn't mind having you in his arms one more time. But he knows you have schoolwork and if he lets you sleep any longer he's nervous you might get mad at him for not waking you up. He hesitantly pokes your arm but you don't even move. He thinks of pulling on your hair or maybe pinching you but he knows you're either going to slap him or-

He settles on the smart (not so smart) idea of whispering in your ear. He unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches over to unbuckle yours. He makes sure to drop his voice 2 octaves before whispering in your ear.

Miguel O'Hara One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon