Chapter 6: Tutoring With Potter

Start from the beginning

I turn to my own cauldron. Even if I'm not going to produce something incredible, I've at least got to try to brew up something passable. Severus, too, already has his antidote going, but apparently, I'm not being as surreptitious as I thought.

"Why do you keep staring at Potter?" he asks, roughly shaking lacewing flies into his cauldron. A bit of liquid sloshes out as he starts to stir too aggressively.

I sigh and tell the truth. "Professor McGonagall assigned him to tutor me in Transfiguration. We're trying to decide when to meet."

"And when will that be?"

"Definitely not tonight! I already have way too much going on. Plus, dealing with Potter on a Monday – more than I have to, at least – seems unnecessarily cruel."

Severus grins, and his stirs become more relaxed.

At least, until a third parchment ball hits me. Severus snatches it before I can and prepares to lob it – forcefully – back at Potter. I grab his wrist.

"No, wait!"

Severus looks at me, eyebrows raised. "You want to pass notes with this prat?"

"No, not really, but... yes. Actually, I really do need the tutoring."

He looks at me a moment longer, then at my hand, still clamped on his wrist. His hand opens, and the paper tumbles out.

I open it and, under Potter's "Then when???", answer, "Tuesday evening, 8 pm. Library."

Then I chuck it back at Potter. Hard. I surprise myself when the parchment gets enough momentum to knock his glasses off his nose. Hmm. With an arm like that, maybe I should try out for the Quidditch team. You know, if I had any time that I needed to waste.

Severus laughs softly. "Nice shot, Lily."

Potter glares at him, Reparo-s his glasses (I feel a little bad about that), then reads the note. His face brightens and he gives me a thumbs-up. I give an unenthusiastic thumbs-up in response.

T minus thirty-three hours until – I shudder – alone time with Potter.


Dear Mum,

First weekly letter, as promised! I already miss you all so much! How has the start of the school year treated you? Any students who are going to give you trouble? I hope your first day went smoothly.

We've only been back at Hogwarts for four days and it's already been [hectic] busy. But all good. My class schedule gives me plenty of time to study, as well as lots of time in Potions class [although I'm unsure how it's going to be spending all this time with Severus again].

Transfiguration is still going to be my hardest subject this year, but rest easy – Professor McGonagall has set me up with a tutor, so I'm sure I'll learn lots and be able to wow her by the end of the year! [As long as I don't murder James Potter before we get there]. I'm sure you'll be amused to hear that it is James Potter who will be my tutor. I know that might sound disastrous, but Potter is also Head Boy this year too (I couldn't believe it!), so I'm sure we will be able to figure out how to work together and get things accomplished. [Maybe. If Professor Dumbledore was ever around to tell us what to do and reassure me that the Sorting Hat was just being dramatic about rising danger.]

Tell Dad and Tuney hi from me. I love you all!



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