chapter ten: the royal merchant

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After an exciting day of surfing and sinking boats, it was finally time to find the gold. All five pogues had been sitting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean for at least twenty minutes now.

"Alright, JJ. Were right over it. Ten seconds northwest!" John B instructed, looking at his iPad.

"Got it, ten seconds northwest," JJ repeated, steering the boat.

Brooklynn was feeding the rope holding an underwater drone to Kie, who lowered it into the water. "One hundred feet!"

While Brooklynn was with the kooks, the rest of the pogues went on an adventure on their own. They went to Luke Maybank's old workplace and stole the underwater drone.

"Well then, to quote The Hobbit, down down to Goblin Town. Down down you go, my lad," Pope said in an elderly voice.

"That's four hundred!" Brooklynn told Kie.

Kiara nodded and picked up her piece of chalk, writing a fourth tally mark.

"Hey, JJ? Ten seconds, easy. Southeast," John B said, noticing the tide turn.

"Copy that!"

The same thing kept going on for several minutes, Brooklynn and Kiara feeding the rope into the ocean and John B blurting instructions out to JJ.

"Keep the tether out of the prop!" JJ yelled back to the girls.

"I'm trying!" Kiara moaned.

"It's kind of hard when the boats constantly turning!" Brooklynn complained.

"You can blame that on John B," JJ said, sending John B a wink.

John B rolled his eyes and asked, "Where are we at?"

"Seven hundred feet," Brooklynn answered.

Thunder started to boom in the sky.

"Maybe we should go back!" Brooklynn yelled out to the group.

"We're already this far! There's no point in going back," Pope said, looking up at the sky.

"Okay, nine hundred!" Kiara shouted.

"JJ, we're gonna turtle in this storm!" John B assumed, starting to worry.

JJ brushed it off and tried to steady the boat.

"At the bottom!" Pope called out.

Pope was looking at the live camera footage from the drone, seeing that it hit rock bottom.

John B and Pope gasped, "Good god..."

"See anything?" JJ yelled back.

"Yeah... We found the royal merchant!" Pope exclaimed.

Both girls rushed over to look at the screen. Pope was right, they found the royal merchant. It looked like it had been down there for a lot longer than it really was.

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now