Chapter 8: Still No Sign

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Aimee, Britta, Antti and Fabian went back to the hospital on the following day. She had a bit more of sleep last night than the day before. She sighed when she found nothing on her phone, which meant that there was no news from Norbert and Heike.

She was planning to talk to the doctors about the best hospital in Switzerland where he was going to start his treatment once he had woken up out of a coma.

On their way to the hospital, she couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of him having amnesia. She didn't want him to forget anything and anyone, especially herself.

Although the doctors estimated that it would only be temporary, but she was hoping that there would be a miracle that he would still remember things when he was awake.

When they arrived at the corridor, they found Heike and Norbert sitting on the benches immediately. There were no talks between the couple. They seemed like in deep thought.

"Morning, Mama, Papa."

They glanced and smiled slightly when they found out that their daughter-in-law had arrived. "Morning, Aimee. Had a good sleep?"

She shrugged. "Not bad. Better than the previous day, at least. How is Seb?"

"There's still no sign that he'll be awake soon," Norbert explained sadly. "But you don't have to worry. He was born to be a true fighter."

"He is, Papa, he is," she agreed to his words.

"Aimee, do you want to discuss about the hospital where he will be transferred to the doctors?"

She nodded. "Yes, Mama. Maybe one of you can join me to talk to them."

"Of course. I think Norbert can help you."

She asked for permission to enter Seb's room before she and Norbert could talk to the doctors. It really hurt to see that he still had to breathe with the support. Some bruises on his shoulders and upper arms were also more visible now.

"Morning, Seb," she greeted him after sitting on the edge of the bed. "I miss you so much. I miss your morning kisses. I miss you being so talkative about anything. Please wake up."

She stroked his dirty blonde hair gently. "When you are awake, I promise you that we will go back to Switzerland as soon as possible. I'm going to talk about it to the doctors here with Papa today. I hope that it will be very close to our home."

She lifted his right hand and kissed it softly. Then, she was about to walk out of the room when dr. Hassan came. "Good morning, Mrs. Vettel."

She smiled politely at him. "Morning, dr. Hassan. Please just call me Aimee."

"Alright, Aimee. I can inform you that his condition is stable and we expect that it won't be long until he can breathe on his own."

She sighed a relief. "Oh, thank God."

"I remember that you once asked us if he could be transferred to Switzerland. dr. Radhi and I have deliberated and we found the best option. I guess that you want to talk about it."

"Yes. Can I bring his father with me?"

"Of course, he is welcome to join us."

Aimee glanced at Seb once again before she and dr. Hassan left the room. He then led her and Norbert to come to the consultating room as dr. Radhi had been waiting there.

"Good morning, Mrs. Vettel."

"Good morning, dr. Radhi. Please call me Aimee."

"Ah, okay. How are you today?"

She sighed a little. "I had better sleep last night but still..."

"We understand your feeling, Aimee, but we make sure that we will always try our best."

She smiled slightly. "Thank you, doctor. So, have you had the hospital recommendations?"

"Yes, we have," dr. Hassan replied. "We have thought of a few options but our main one is University Hospital of Zürich. It is one of the best hospitals in Switzerland and there are department of neurology and department of traumatology which are important for his recovery process later. And we think that it is quite close to your house as well."

"I've heard about the hospital. It's less than an hour from our home if I'm not mistaken."

"We will write a patient transfer agreement letter once you agree with the option. Then we need one of you to sign the letter before we submit it to the said hospital," dr. Radhi explained to Aimee and Norbert.

They glanced at each other and thought for a moment. Aimee fully trusted them if it was really the best option. "I agree. What about you, Papa?"

Norbert nodded. "As long as it is the best for Seb, I can also agree with that."

"Okay. So, we guess that you both agree with the option?"

"Yes, we agree to move him to Zürich," Aimee replied.

"That's good. But of course, we have to wait until Seb can breathe on his own and after that, we will prepare to transfer him there."

After Aimee and Norbert agreed with the option both doctors gave them, they walked out of the room. They immediately informed Heike, Britta, Antti, and Fabian who were still sitting on the benches.

"How was it, Norbert?" Heike asked.

Norbert smiled a little as he thought that he had a good news to tell. "We have made an agreement that once Seb can breathe on his own, he will be transferred to University Hospital of Zürich. There are some departments there which are important for him during his recovery process."

Heike sighed a relief. "Good to hear that. But, what about his treatment costs?"

"You don't have to worry, Heike. Ferrari will take responsibility for that. Mattia has informed me about it," Britta replied.

Heike nodded a little. Then, she held one of Aimee's hands. "Aimee, you have to be strong. We all have to be. Don't you ever feel alone because we are always here for you."

She was teary after she heard what her mother-in-law had just said. "Thank you so much, Mama. We have to face it together."

Aimee then asked for permission to go back to Seb's room. She quickly sat down on a chair next to his bed. She tried not to show her sadness although he, for sure, wouldn't see it.

"Seb, I have talked to your doctors. You'll soon be transferred to Zürich when you can breathe without the support. I agreed because it is one of the best hospitals in Switzerland and it is not too far from our home," Aimee said while stroking his cheek gently.

"It's not that I hate Bahrain, but I'm so excited that we will soon be back to Switzerland," her tears started falling. "I'm so scared, Seb. I'm so scared with what's going to happen next, but I'll always believe that there will be a miracle. It's more than enough for me to lose my parents. I don't want to lose you too.."

The sooner he was out of a coma, the better, as she couldn't wait to bring him back to their home country. At a time like that, she really wished that her parents were still alive. But she kept reminding herself that she wasn't alone, as Heike had said to her.

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