15. Awaking the Wasps

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I hurried to put on my sweatpants and a hoodie. I was in the middle of getting dressed before I realized he'd not told Reid to get dressed. They'd both been in their pajamas... Like he saw me as a child... I didn't really know what to think about that, but I guess it wasn't bothering me.

Yet anyway.

With enough clothes on, I left the room and ran to the stairs. The bedrooms were all empty... So Captain was going to leave me out of this? Whatever it was? Why...?

Moments later, I entered the meeting room on the first floor and took my seat next to Reid. It looked like they'd been waiting for me, since as soon as I sat down, everyone turned their attention to Captain.

"Sorry for the early wake up," he said while turning his attention to the large screen behind him. "But we have an active threat."

The atmosphere had already been tense, but his words completely electrified the air. Every single one of them was suddenly ready to fight.

"This video emerged an hour ago," Captain continued as he stepped out of the way and played it.

And what we saw... I could feel the anger rising rapidly in the room...

A group of five people stood next to what looked like the City Hall in our crown city. They all held our sacred black flags in their hands, while more of them were tearing down the flags hanging on the walls behind them.

"We are the Rightful Sons! We are here to show our support to True Order, who were wrongfully forced to disband over the claims of all the omega bitches and those who support them! Our so-called government is the true terrorist group here, not us! We will fight for our birthright to lead this country! We will fight for our right to exist! We will fight to bring back the natural order! We will keep fighting until the terroristic government steps down and lets our true leaders take back their rightful place! For True Order!"

The men set the black flags in flames and waved them like they were proud of desecrating the memory of the people we lost on The Day of the Eleven Flags.

"True Order! True Order! True Order!!"

I could feel the rage in the room...

The man in the middle of the group stepped closer to the camera and took off his mask.

Lonnie Hill.

"This day will go down in history as the day we, the Rightful Sons, the real alphas, will step up and change this world back to how it's supposed to be! We will make sure the braindead omegas won't get to ruin our beloved country any longer! This world is ours! This world belongs to the strongest! The real alphas! We will drive every single bitch omega and all those weak-minded omega lovers who dare to call themselves alphas out of this country!"

The video ended, and Captain turned to us.

"As I said, this is now an active threat. Work together and search through the footage they left behind while we wait for orders," he said, and everyone hurried into the tech room.

When I tried to follow them, however...

"Riley, stay."

I faced the captain, trying not to show him my frustration. He wasn't going to let me in on this, was he...?

"You don't have the training for this," he said. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to sit this one out."

"There has to be something I can do," I said as he made his way to me.

"I suppose going back to sleep is out of the question?" he asked. "It's four in the morning."

"Give me something to do," I begged him. "I am Zero-Seven, right? I'm part of this team."

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