Chapter 11: Your brother is a villain?

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Thank you FireWood257 for writing a bit of this chapter/giving me an idea for this chapter

Touya's POV

I woke up in my room, I had a bad headache from falling from that building. I sat up and noticed that Tomura sat by the end of my bed. "T-Tomura?" I said. Tomura looked at me and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're okay. I was worried you'd die." He said. I let out a chuckle.

"Where is Zuzu and Sho?" I asked. "Well, Shoto is in the living room and Izuku..I haven't seen him since two days ago." I said. "He hasn't been here at all?"

"No he has, but I guess he thought it was better for him to go somewhere else since it was meaningless to wait here when you've been unconscious for over one and a half month now." My eyes widened. 'What?'

"Where is he now?" I asked. "I just said that I haven't seen him for two days, how would I know dumbass." He said. "I don't know maybe Shoto would have told you?" I said. "Well no he hasn't said anything to me about where he have been, but you could ask him-"

I stood up. My head hurt and I stopped for a second, but I didn't really care so I made my way to the living room with Tomura following me to make sure I was alright. Though what I heard when I came there made me shocked and angry.

"My old man is...Abusing me and Izu. Mostly Izu though..." Shoto said. My eyes widened. "That old man is doing what!?" I almost yelled. Shoto swiftly turned his head to me as he probably recognized my voice. The door opened and Izuku came in, just at the right time to see me.

His eyes widened. "T-Touya..?" I gave him a warm smile. His eyes filled with tears as he ran to me and hugged me. It didn't take long for Shoto to do the same thing. And there we stood, hugging each other as my two little brothers were crying.

Tomura smiled, knowing he wouldn't have to take care of the two anymore. I guess while I was unconscious he had to take care of them everytime they came here after school or on the weekends. "So, what have you two been up to while I was unconscious?" I asked. Izuku and Shoto looked down.


Uraraka's POV
(When they're at the rooftop)

My fingers touched and Dabi fell to the ground, Izuku jumped down to check if he was doing alright and Shoto came shortly after. I laughed and made myself float down, away from Dabi, Izuku and Shoto. I ran all the way back to UA. It took a while,when I arrived I went back to my dorm.

I would have to wait for about a month before telling someone so that they would believe me a bit more.

Time skip: a month later

I woke up and got out of bed, putting on new clothes and going out to the others in the kitchen, I had to wait until after lunch to make my plan of getting Izuku and Shoto expelled to work. When lunch came, I waited another 2 hours before leaving our dorms and went to our teacher's office (idk what it's called).

I knocked on the door. When I heard a "Come in." I opened the door and walked inside. "What do you want Uraraka?" He asked. This was my chance, my chance to at least get Izuku expelled from UA. "I wanted to tell you something that two of my classmates did a month ago.." Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Continue."

"About one month ago night me and the other girls in 1a exept Mina and Tsu was outside taking a walk when I noticed a villain in a hoodie and a mask walking somewhere, so I followed them and they went to a rooftop. Then I saw that it was Dabi, so I asked him what he was doing on a abandoned house rooftop but he wouldn't answer me. But after a minute Izuku and Shoto came to the rooftop and said that they were hanging out with him and then they threatened to hurt me if I told anyone so I waited for a month and hoped that they had forgotten!" I lied, obviously that wasn't what really happened. But that's my only way to getting them expelled.

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