Author's Senti-Senti🙇🏻🙇🏻

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                   Hello! Thank you everyone! We have finally reached the end... The journey was long and fun. Honestly, I had no intention to write this story...I only had plans for a 'five episode' short story... but I got carried away😅😅...But it was the best mistake, because I was able to enjoy writing with all of you...Enjoying your comments.

                 My apologies also, because of the faux Ending I wrote on the last chapter, The Stell in me just couldn't help it🤣.

                 To those who feel alone like Alli... Always remember, there will always be someone who would stand by you, through thick and thin. Your ray of sunshine and your exclusive miracle.

                 I sincerely hope you enjoyed my work as much as I did. Thank you for tolerating my grammar, my words, and my annoying cliffhangers. Honestly If you would ask me seven months ago If I was able to write something like this... I would have laughed my ass off. This is probably the best story, my little brain would be able to conjure... This might be my first and last work... I'll just see where fate takes me.

               Please continue to love and support SB19... Those guys deserve the best... 

I wish, As Justin had said in the book... That in the crossroads of life, we all find the right path. I hope this story has inspired you somehow... Life is beautiful. Again, from the bottom of my introverted heart Merci Beaucoup!


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