A Little Ordinary

Start from the beginning

"Yes. Anything you need right now?" You respond as confidently and professionally as you can muster. Gotta get into character.

"Sorry to do this, but I sort of lost something. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me find it."

You scramble to think of a response. Welp. Really, though? Is a doctor really the only person you can ask for assistance with something like this??? Never mind.

"What's your name?" You ask her. A flicker of hope flashes her eyes when it seems like you're going to help her. Unfortunately for her, you have no intention of leaving this spot until the mission is complete.

"Hanajima. Hanajima, Kaori."

"Well Ms. Hanajima, I'm sorry to break it to you, but at the moment, I'm...off the clock."

A look of subtle frustration falls on her face, mixed with a dose of visible disappointment.

"Oh...I see..."

Holding back a sigh of relief, you begin leaning back on the frame of the door. You cross your arms, hoping to give off an air of intimidation that'll send her off. Of course, just like everything else one wants in life though, it doesn't work out as planned.

"I know this may be a lot to ask during your own time, but Doctor, if it's alright, can I just ask you to walk me back to my room? I promise it's not that far. To be honest, I just need a little company."

You wanna turn her down. You really do, but dammit- This won't take long, right? RIGHT??? Man, darn this whole 'doctor role' you're in. You blame it on Dazai.

"Aright. Fine then." You respond, exasperatedly.

Ms. Hanajima's weary eyes fully light up. She bows a full 90 degrees and claps her hands together happily in gratitude.

"Thank you!"

Okay...so the two of you are walking, and well surprisingly, for maybe the first time in your life...you're holding a regular conversation with an ordinary person??? And it's actually kinda nice? In your defense- All you've known are businessmen and professional murderers. It's a very sweet change.

"You look so young for a doctor! That's kinda why I was a bit skeptical at first."

"Ohh. I see. That's understandable." You respond.

"Mhm. I was surprised, but regardless, I think being a doctor is pretty cool no matter how old a person is. Doctors have this intelligence about them. They're hard workers that use their lives to help others and it sounds kinda nice..."

Aha...ahaha...why do you feel the slightest bit guilty about this all...Begone conscience. Begone with you-

"You sound like you really like doctors?"

"Hm? Oh- Uhm...it's not necessarily just doctors. It's more complicated than that...I admire them, but among many others. I just sort of wish I could've finished college and done something with my life."

Your curiosity is piqued.

"So that's not an option for you, huh?"

She shakes her head somewhat solemnly.

"No. I've been in and out of the hospital since my sophomore year in college. When I finally figured out this was going to be my life now I had to quit...The money is all going to different procedures to keep me alive a little longer. I just...I...don't want to die before I can make something of myself. Something on my own terms." She seems to tremble saying that last bit. You offer her an arm for support as she walks, and she smiles as she links her arm in yours.

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now