"You're familiar with crossbow yes?" to which the Agranian defector nodded "Then this rifle is basically that but it can fire multiple times before it runs out"

"I see... point and pull the trigger is that right?"

"Yes, the weapon like to push on the shooter as it fires though, so keep in mind of that"

"It push towards me, I got it"

"Great, now go!" as Zinon runs off to the side, now in the open as he shoulder the weapon and aimed towards the mountains, just aiming a little high on the iron sight.

(If you don't get what I mean, look at Six Days in Fallujah point aiming)

He pulls the trigger of his weapon, and the rifle spewed out fire and a sharp sound in the process while the recoil kicks on his shoulder. Compared to a crossbow he was given, this one was more exhilarating to use, with the power of the weapon being felt to his shoulder.

He moved along the rest of the squad, as they move with the BMP. He pulls the trigger multiple times at the mountain, while the archers stood no chance against the hail of bullet they were sending.

Zinon fired rounds after rounds, until he hears a click from the weapon and further trigger pulling would result in nothing. Confused, he runs back to Lev, who was also firing at the Imperium forces.

"How do I reload this?" he frantically asked

Lev then points at a metal part directly in front of the trigger.

"See this and the metal sticking out of it?"

Zinon looks over his weapon.


"Grab the box in front of it, your thumb should be pushing it at the same time, then rotate your hand up and forward"

"Like this?" as Zinon managed to release the magazine.

"Yes! Very good. Normally if you have a spare mag you could insert it by having it at an angle towards the front and guide it down but unfortunately, I don't have a spare mag. So hold on to that rifle for now"

Zinon nodded, as he simply return to just follow the troops, as the BMP fires off its autocannon. The battlefield is extremely loud, but the Newberslawnian forces so far have done extraordinarily well, much to the Agranian surprise.

He could only watch as they're doing their job, while taking mental note of what is happening and what they're doing right now.


"He isn't wrong about this place being mountainous and all but..." said the driver, Pyotr "This is way less than what I had in mind"

"Hey shut it" said the gunner-operator as he sends another burst of 30mm out "At least it's less, otherwise it would be really damn difficult"

"Yeah, yeah" as he would continue on driving the infantry fighting vehicle. The BMP-2 is an old vehicle by modern standards, dating back to 1980s. But like most vehicles in the Newberslawnian Armed Forces, there are plenty of them as they were dirt cheap compared to the rests.

While replacement is underway, there's no denying that there's always a BMP ready for a fight, at least for a decade or so.

The Ministry of Defense liked it, the crews and the soldiers... not so much. It suffers the common problem of being cramped, which could reduce the effectiveness of troops in combat over time. Furthermore, being 1980s relic meant that it lacked a lot of modern features, like thermals. But hey, at least now they have better filtration system to allow 600 rpm fire rate.

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