chapter five

22 1 2

⚠️ some sex talk ⚠️

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Morning eventually came around and the house was silent. The first one awake was Minho, he looked over at Jisung, making sure the male was still fine, seeing his chest rise and fall, soothing his worries.

He quietly and carefully left his room, looking at the mess that the party had left behind. Minho heard a door open seeing a sleepy Chan appears next to him

"guess we gotta clean huh." Chan frowned

"we can get it cleaned before everyone wakes up, and maybe make some food for everyone before kicking em out.." Minho joked and suggested. Chan agreed before they began to clean up the house

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"finally -" Chan breathed out before sitting on the couch

"spotless!" Minho added sitting next to him before asking "pancakes?"

"yep, I'll make them!" he suggested, hopping up and heading to the kitchen, just as Changbin had left the room he was sleeping in, walking over with Chan to help cook

Minho went to his room, checking on Jisung again, seeing the male finally waking up. Jisung slightly panicked, not knowing where he was, he looked around just as minho walked in, sitting on the bed

"hey, you're fine, you're safe Jisung-"

"where, where is Hyunjin?" the first words to leave Jisungs lips

"he's here too, in a different room, you're both fine, we are making food, and you can leave whenever you want, I won't keep you here, but I'd like if you would hang out with us! Do you remember anything from last night?" Minho asked

"I remember talking to someone, he wanted to come in here where it was quiet and I don't remember anything else...I must be a lightweight to you guys-" he chuckled softly

"I don't want to lie to you, so I'll just say it. That 'guy' he was a piece of shit, you didn't drink too much, he drugged you. He wanted to take advantage of you, I kicked him out before anything happened. I can promise he won't be an issue again, and if he is, I'll willingly beat the shit out of him."

Jisung stayed silent, he shook his head just to change the subject "is Hyunjin up?" he asked softly

"not sure, wanna join me in waking everyone up to eat?" he asked with a soft smile as Jisung agreed to his question

they both got up from the bed, walking to the room where Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin had fallen asleep in. Minho knocked lightly just before a sleepy Felix opened the door, he sniffed the air "something is cooking? great I'm starving!" he smiled, walking out of the room and towards the smell

Jisung looked slightly confused "I thought Hyunjin was in here-" he asked Minho, but just then the familiar boy appeared, he looked at Jisung with a soft smile on his lips

"guess we both crashed here-" he said before following Felix, causing Jisung to be more confused

"what the fuck- " Jisung mumbled but shook it off as minho moved to the next room, knocking on the door. shortly after Jeongin and Seungmin came out, Jisung had never really met Seungmin, just heard of him, he waved and bowed respectfully to him, and seungmin returned the gesture.

they all made their way to the kitchen, Jisung motioned for Hyunjin to talk with him in private

"what the fuck are you doing?" Jisung whispered, Hyunjin looked at him with an eyebrow raised

"uhh, what do you mean? you stayed here too-"

"no...listen, did you sleep with Felix?" Jisung interrupted him to ask the burning question, Hyunjin looked at Jisung, not saying anything

"oh my god. you can not be serious. you do realize that he's dating changbin, and I'm pretty sure he could beat you to a pulp. you're gonna ruin this for both of us!" Jisung rambled, not letting Hyunjin get a word in. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and waited for the younger male to calm down

"Jisung. Calm down before I slap you. That is not what is happening, okay? I think you should stop asking questions before you find out stuff about my sex life...that you don't wanna know-" he chuckled out, causing Jisung to furrow his brows, still pushing

"I just want to make sure you're not making a stupid decision."

"Oh my god, a threesome Jisung. We had a threesome. it was all consensual and all parties knew, no cheating happened. okay?" Hyunjin gave in

Jisung walked away and back to the table, kind of wishing he listened to Hyunjin in the first place. They all ate and talked amongst themselves about their classes and majors they were taking, and what the planned after college.

As they were all done eating, it was 12pm. Changbin, Felix and Hyunjin volunteered to help Chan clean up, Jeongin and Seungmin left in a hurry to study for a test they had the next coming day, leaving Jisung and Minho sitting on the couch together

"sorry you didnt get to have much fun at the party- I want to make it up to you." Minho said to the younger male

"Minho, it is not your fault."

"I know but hey, what do you go home, get freshened up, whatever you need to do, and then I'll come by around 2 and we go do something, only me and you?" Minho suggested, waiting nervously for an answer

Jisung felt his heart beating faster, a smile creeping to his lips,

"are you asking me on a date?" he teased, actually feeling comfortable around the older male, Minho nodded at the question, saying he was asking him out on a date

"I'd love to." Jisung agreed with a huge smile on his face that he just couldn't hide.

hihi, sorry if this chapter sucked but we getting into the minsung shii 🤌 just wait I'll make it super juicy I swear! I'll update soon I swear-

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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