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Leon found Claire in a tent, sulking.

"We just ended up making things worse."

"That's not true. The villains here are the ones who used the virus, but worse than them are the ones who made it. Seven years ago, our lives were changed forever by the virus from Umbrella Corp. Umbrella collapsed, but their viral legacy continues to spread. I'm going to scrub this virus from the face of the Earth. You chose the role of a rescuer rather than a fighter, like me. You chose a path that your brother and I couldn't follow. You weren't wrong."

"Thank you, Leon."

The ground suddenly begins to shake as a loud explosion fills the air. Shouting soon followed.

"Find some extinguishers!"

"Clear the area before the gas tanks blow!" The commanding officer shouts as one of his men rushes to save a man on fire.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Where's the rest of the team? Come on!" The CO shouted, so few of his men assisting as they rush to fight the fire.

"How do I use this thing?" A soldier asks, having trouble operating the extinguisher.

"Help! Somebody help! I'm stuck!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"Hurry up! Come on!"

When Claire, Leon, and Angela arrive, all they find are the destroyed trucks and Frederic Downing staring into the flames. Running over to Downing, Leon asked, "what happened?"

"The trucks carrying the vaccine..."

"Ahem!" Came a soft voice.

"How much of the vaccine is left?"

"Ahem..." Came a little voice.

"Everything we brought today was all we were able to scrape together from vaccine samples inside the company, and most of that has just been lost."

Approaching the group, Senator Davis asked Leon, "where's the manufacturing data? You think they're after the data too?"

"Could be."

"Why don't you tell us what their demands are already? If you don't wanna talk, I'll just go directly to the president. The truth."


"They demand the truth."

"The viral weapon from which Umbrella Corporation's T-Virus was derived. They wanna reveal everyone from the U.S. Government who was involved."

"Was the government involved?" Angela asked.

Leon turned to Angela. "The proof went up in smoke with Raccoon City."

"Wait a minute. The truth didn't disappear. There never was any. Convince the terrorists of that."

"If they don't get that information, what will happen?" Claire asked.

Leon slowly turned to face Claire. "They'll disperse the T-Virus in every populated area in the U.S. The deadline is midnight."

"That's only four hours from now!" Angela said looking up from her watch.

"And there's no vaccine left..."

"Ahem..." A little voice said.

"Can we find out who these terrorists are?" Downing asked calmly.

"I have a clue as to the identity of one of them. Right after the first infected victims appeared in the airport terminal, I noticed a man in the lobby. His name is Curtis Miller."

Resident Evil: DescendantsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang