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The boy consumed by darkness

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The boy consumed by darkness. The boy embraced it until his eyes left color and turned pitch black. Internally disowned by his family, he wanted to end everything that was hurting. Hurting him and him alone. Clean blade marks on his forearm, watching the ground below from the peak, emptiness inside, and yet the spark to survive and save someone else.

He was blamed for his family's untimely demise as he was the only one who survived it. "You should die" – this is what he said before the truck crashed into the car and he woke up bruised and broken on the hospital bed. People disappearing in front of him, the world against him, and the monster making him bleed from the inside, all this was what made Hyun-Su the boy he was.

There was fear in his eyes when the beheaded creature entered through his door and yet he thought that he needed to save the kids. Su-Yeong reminded him of his sister and her warmth. Although he never received a certain kind of protection from her, he loved her unconditionally. Until it was enough and the water spilled.

The boy who just wanted to live, and live peacefully, ended up becoming something far greater sinister from his core. Pushing the guy who bullied him in front of the racing car, having a classmate tell him that he was the reason his mother killed herself, and hearing his sister hate him from behind the door, his world collapsed.

Amongst the rubble, he found a way to feel the pain he had given others. Self-harm. That's what he resorted to. Cutting himself to remind him that he was nothing but a burden on everyone. He was hurt beyond repair and he still stood in front of a fellow survivor when the demon stabbed him. 

Tears would not stop falling when he recovered from the ultimate shock that his inner demon had killed someone close to his heart, amid this rickety world. Having someone tell him that it was not his fault did wonders as his eyes returned to normal and his heart calmed down. 

Hyun-Su was a warrior from within and yet he believed in himself not so much. He wanted to end his suffering but always found himself in unforeseen circumstances where his survival instincts would kick in.

Inside his heart, he did not want to die. Not like this. He was putting up a fight with everyone. Himself, the demons, and the apocalypse that engulfed them. He would stand at the parapet and look down wondering if he could end it all and yet he found himself keeping others before him. 

He was trying to let go of his past trauma. He was and yet no one was ready to believe him. Not even his own family and he unknowingly cursed them. 

He was trying to forego the pain when he started chopping his locks off. Each cut the sound of the bladed scissors reminded him of his elementary days when he was a genuinely caring person. 

Ready to make friends with strangers and offer them a hand when in need. With each lock of hair falling, he was trying to embrace who he was. A monster who protected them. A monster who was still human at heart.

Standing in the falling snow with bullets piercing through his body, his eyes completely taken over by darkness, he limped emotionlessly and a few minutes later found himself waking into the worst nightmare of his life. 

He needed a Sweet Home. He embraced his tattered icicle devil wings. He was our Home.

 He was our Home

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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