Chapter one a beauty many talent

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you'll always be my songbird, always remember that my darling said Taireru

"I'll make sure the door is destroyed, what we did here will put an end to this war said Najie

" I'll hold them off, just make sure you and her get out safely. I'll see you again brother but hopefully not any time soon said taireru breaking the path not allowing anyone to follow the two he was helping.

Najie used his magic power to teleport, closing the gap of distance while he ran trying to make it out of the unknown realm. Taireru began firing arrows with his bow at every creature that was moving towards the door.  Taireru started using his magic and fired more arrows but this time they exploded, The creatures began moving faster as smaller ones approached the front line. Taireru began using more magic  to slaughter more creatures, but he began losing the ability to make magic.

"Look like we are reaching the end of the road and there's no end in sight for these creatures said taireru

The creatures began closing in and so did  Taireru he ran in with a magic sword and began killing every creature that tried to get passed him. The door closed and every creature turned its attention to Taireru.   

He stayed strong and put up the best fight he could but when the door shut. The creatures became furious and one of them managed to stab Taireru with its claws, he smirked even with blood pouring from his stab wound.

"you shouldn't have done that said taireru using all of the magic he had left and exploded, everything there including the door was eradicated.

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