Play And React (2)

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So sorry guys for the late update. School has started and I've been busy ever since. So the update may not be weekly. My apologies.


What happens when Cale is in the break room?

Cale is watching the records as it repeats over again. He is now full of sweat.

"Cale-oppa calm down."

The host tried to calm down Cale but it didn't seem to reach him. The host then tried to stop the records that Cale was having and succeeded.

Cale blinked his eyes. He has a headache.

"Calli? What am I doing here?"

Cale asked confusedly.

"Your records broke down."

The host answered as she looked at Cale with worry. Cale ohed as his head throbbed.

"Are you okay now, Cale-oppa?"

The host asked worriedly.

"I'm okay now. Don't worry Calli"

The host smiled softly as she handed him a glass of water. Cale thanked her and drank the water. Suddenly the host remembered something.

"Right. Cale-oppa, The God of Death have a scenario for you. But don't worry you will be compensated. "

"A scenario?"

Cale felt that it was odd for him to have a personal scenario but he shrugged it off

"Yes, he said that you will need to complete this scenario to receive it."

Calliope snapped her fingers and a screen once again appeared in front of Cale. But the only difference is that it is Black. Kind of represents death.

[Sub-scenario-Rest well]

Difficulty: F

Clear conditions:Sleep well and rest for the time limit.

Time limit:1 hour

Compensation: ???,1 million coins

Failure: -

Cale inspects the screen as if he finds it hard to believe.

"To complete the scenario I needed to sleep?"

Cale looks as if he finds it unbelievable.

"Yes Cale-oppa sleep for as long as you want and you will complete the scenario"

Calliope smiled widely as Cale looked at her strangely. But as he glanced over at the compensation he decided to think over it.

'It's not a bad offer, but the scenario seems to be in favour for me. What would the God of Death gain from this? '

After some thought, he decided to accept it there's nothing to lose about the offer. But before he agreed he decided to add some conditions in which the host agreed

Unknown Salvation(Rewrite)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя