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As different as every storyteller is, whether they speak of myths or history, sciences or songs, there is one place where all are made equal:

The library.

If you wish to know the mind of a writer or a storyteller, simply step into a library. You'll find more stories than you thought possible begging to be read, new worlds waiting behind closed covers. So many fictional doors just waiting to be opened and loved.

But as the world moves forward in pursuit of the newest thrill, the simple joy of the library has been exchanged for other pleasures. Entertainment becomes a cheap, worthless imitation. There is nothing wrong with progression, but when we forget our roots, when we completely discredit our origins, there is no point in moving forward. Don't move forward to forget the past. Do it so you may look back and be grateful for all that has been done.

Now, like too many others, the Ninjago High library sits primarily unused. At least, unused by traditional standards. A living legend walks amongst the shelves at the moment, searching for a famous, familiar face.

"Princess Harumi? Are you there?"

Lloyd peered around a shelf of romance novels, and found the comfy area empty. Sighing, he turned and headed for the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear before slipping out. After the release bell rang, the only kids who stayed behind were those charged with detention. Lloyd wasn't big on taking risks, but finding the Royal Jade Princess was worth chancing an attack by the school's self-proclaimed 'bullies'.

The hallway was clear of any potential threats. Quickly, Lloyd slipped out the library and through the front doors. The few kids loitering in the Quad paid him no mind as he started down the sidewalk, towards the southeast districts.

It was easy to tell the rougher parts of Ninjago from the more polished. Buildings were faded or crumbling, some completely empty. Garmadon's snarling visage adorned the walls and doors of apartments under the dark lord's 'protection'. Garmadon's grip on the city was stronger in the impoverished neighborhoods. There, people were willing to do anything, even for the illusion of safety. Lloyd knew of a family who had sworn themselves to Garmadon, only to be bitten and turned into Serpentine in one of the apartment raids. It hurt knowing that despite the ninja's best efforts, lives were still lost.

At last, he was pushing open the door to the White Lotus Apartments. Lloyd nodded a greeting to the ancient desk clerk, climbed the rickety stairs, and slipped inside the apartment using the spare key under the doormat. Quietly, he made for the kitchen.

Lloyd shared the apartment with his mother and uncle, both of whom came and went at odd hours. His mother slept during the day and taught night classes at their local university, and his uncle... Lloyd didn't really know what his uncle did. Whatever it was, it involved lots of old parchment and a boatload of incense. Already, the woody scent perfumed the apartment, hinting that his uncle had been home recently.

The kitchen was empty, a kettle of cold tea sitting on the stove. Lloyd set it in the sink before rummaging through the cabinets for a snack. He settled on a bowl of granola and headed for his room.

Homework was a welcome distraction. A few pages of history reading, with a paragraph summary due the next day. Lloyd took his time, the scratch of his pencil filling the otherwise silent room. It was no surprise when his mind began to wander away from the village wars, to the princess.

 Most everyone in Ninjago knew of the Royal Jade family, who had been holed up in their palace since Garmadon invaded eleven moths prior. Rarely were any of their court seen in public, not wanting to risk an attack from the dark forces. The last time Lloyd had seen the princess had been over a year ago, during a holiday tv appearance. But then, the Princess had only been a silent figure standing behind the Jade Emperor, her face painted white and red in the traditional style.

Ninjago High: Rise of the NinjaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz