-December 18th (Luke's Point Of View)-

Luke spotted several enemy soldiers racing towards a defenseless man on the ground. Nearby, bombs went off, taking out several of his team's vehicles. The opposite side was closing in, but Luke wasn't about to let this man be one among the dead or captured. He rushed to the group that was surrounding the man."Take me, not him. You'll get more out of a man who is able to defend himself than one who isn't."He said. The enemy soldiers looked at him and Luke saw that, although they were angered by his intervention, they weren't against his offer."You got anything to say to Lost Boy here?"One of them said. Instantly, Luke thought of Cassie and, although tears started to fill his eyes, he held his head high."As a matter of fact I do."He said. He went to the man and got down on his knees beside him."Hey Buddy, my name is Luke. What's your name?"He asked."James."The man replied. Luke nodded as he removed his and Cassie's address from his pocket."James, take this and write to my wife Cassie."He said."I will Luke."James breathed."I swear."Seconds later, Luke was cuffed and struck on the back of the head. A few more seconds later, the world went dark and Luke embraced the unknown.

-December 24th (Cassie's Point Of View)-

'You're good and you're brave, what a father you'll be someday.

Make it home, make it safe.'.

She wrote every night and she prayed."

The applause that rose from the audience made Cassie's heart soar. They love it Luke! She thought as she prepared to move on to the next verse."Ms.Cassie?"A voice took her away from her performance. She looked up to see a stagehand staring nervously at her."There's a letter for you backstage, it looks like it's from a Marine."The stagehand said. Luke. Cassie thought and stood up."Ms. Cassie has something that she needs to take care of, she'll be back out in a few minutes."The stagehand said into the mic as Cassie left the stage. Heart pounding against her ribcage like a desperate prisoner wanting to be set free, Cassie rushed to her dressing room. Sure enough, there was a letter on her vanity waiting for her. She picked it up quickly and tore it open. What she read tore her heart to pieces and her tears stained the paper as she read each word:

Dear Cassie,

I was up on a hill, I was out there alone, when the shots all rang out; bombs were exploding. And that's when I saw him, he came back for me. Though he was captured, a man set me free. That man was your husband. He asked me to write to you, I told him I would I swore. My prayers are with him and you.


Cassie dropped the letter to the floor and fell to her knees. This isn't happening! Please God tell me that this isn't happening! She thought as sobs racked her body. Luke had wanted her to hope, had wanted her to hold on and stay strong."I'll keep on writing and praying Luke and, even though it's hard, I'll keep believing that you'll come home."She wept. Then she tearfully sang:

"You are good, and you're brave.

What a father you'll be someday!

Make it home, make it safe!"

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