Part 2: Something bad happens.

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Amelia's POV.

"Half step. Switch foot. Good. And then we're going to take that piece from the old dance that we did last year, and let me see that hip, hip, hip. Go." Miss Abby said as I had to go down there and dance, but I didn't feel well at all.

"This is my favorite part." Christi said as I did this dance move.

"When all the moms are watching our group, it's obvious that they watch my and Paul's daughters, because they are the stars, and your eyes just go go directly to them

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"When all the moms are watching our group, it's obvious that they watch my and Paul's daughters, because they are the stars, and your eyes just go go directly to them." My Stepmom said to the producer.

"What's up with Amelia?" Kelly asked my parents as I really didn't feel well at all.

"She doesn't feel well, at all. Like, she went like this." My dad said as he explains to the other moms.

"If she pukes, I'm not cleaning it." My Stepmom said as I started crying softly.

"Amelia, I know you're not feeling well, but suck it up. We've got to get through this, okay?" Miss Abby said as I was wiping my tears.

"She looks green practically, - and pale. That's awful." Holly said to my parents as they were getting worried for me.

"- She's crying." My Dad said as he got up from his seat, and mouths to Miss Abby "She's crying." and she nods.

"From the top. Five, six, seven, eight. And hip, hip, hip, hip. Sweetie, why‐why the tears?" Miss Abby asked as I look at her sadly.

"Because, I don't feel well at all." I said as a tear went down my cheek.

"Like you have to throw up?" Miss Abby said as I nod, then she waved for my dad to come downstairs, and he did, and Miss Abby told him to take me, to the bathroom, because I was about to throw up, and he does, and I threw up, and all of the puke went in the toilet, and dad flushed it, and rubs my back to comfort me.

"Shh, it's okay, honey. It will be alright." Dad tells me as he hand his hand on my forehead.

"My stomach hurts, Dad. . ." I said crying and he hugs me tightly, and I hugged back.

"I know, sweetheart, it's okay, how about after dance practice, and we get home, I sing a lullaby to help you fall asleep. Okay?" Dad said as I smile through my tears.

"Okay. . . I love you dad." I said as he smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I love you two, my Stargirl." Dad said as I smiled, and he wipes my tears off my face.

A girl who's perfect in every way.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora