Chapter Two

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5 months later,
Castillo Island.

After that night, five months ago, I never saw her again. She had snuck away through the window or something, and I should've kept her under surveillance but I didn't think of it.

The girl that grew up under my protection after her parents' murder, lived under my roof and slept on my bed every night— left me just like that.

I couldn't control my anger when I found out. Watching my baby girl being fondled and fucked by a piece of disloyal shit made me forget who I was. I loved her, ached for her and she only belonged to me, but seeing her like that— moaning, and bouncing on another man's dick right under my nose— I was bound to lose my shit. To top it off, she's fucking knocked up.

So, I almost killed her. I shoved my favorite gun into her pretty little mouth and watched her as she begged and cried for me to let her go. She kept trying to convince me that the beast in her belly is my kid, but I ain't convinced. If it wasn't for the assholes from the South City barging into my house, Sammie would've been dead.

But now, she's gone somewhere I don't know. I thought I'd be able to know her whereabouts at all times, but I still can't figure where she might've went. Did she change her identity? Was she abducted or killed by one of my enemies?

Sammie is gone from my grasp, and I am now reaping the consequences of my own actions.

Because the baby in her womb is definitely mine. With the amount of cum I pumped into her precious cunt every damn night, that kid in her belly has to be mine.

"Boss?" Ryland speaks from behind me, I turn my head slightly to the side "there's something important."


I clear my throat and light up a thick cigar, releasing puffs of smoke as I watch the sun eventually set and mix into the golden sea.

"We might've found her."

I pause, a part of me not taking it seriously because we've had false alerts way too many times already in the last five months. They all turned out to be women who didn't even nearly resemble Sammie.

I scoff and lean back into the patio chair "take it easy, Ryland. We can't find her."

"Why don't you at least take a look, sir?"

I sigh, and toss the cigar into the ashtray "fine, bring it over."

Ryland hurries over with an iPad in his hand, as he scrolls to a picture that's dim, and neon-lit. I take a closer look, and there's a woman dancing in a nightclub with her hands in the air, her hair blonde with short front bangs and she's wearing a sequined little dress that barely covers her thick ass and tits. I know my Sammie's curves, and she isn't this thick. And she's a brunette. The face isn't clear due to the lighting.

"In what way does that look like Sammie to you?" I yell at Ryland, but then he pinches the picture to zoom inside.

I quickly notice the bump on her belly, meaning that this woman is pregnant. Judging from the size, she's a few good months in. Sammie is supposed to be 5 months pregnant now.

"There's no lack of pregnant women out there, Ryland!" I shout angrily, but actually, I'm just hoping this isn't Sammie.

Because this woman on the picture isn't supposed to be her. She's dressed like a damn slut and is dancing like one too in a nightclub surrounded by men, who all seem hungry like hyenas and want a piece of her ass. The way she's shaking her ass and throwing her hands back— that's not Sammie, my baby girl.

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