Chapter 14: A New Villain Emerges

Start from the beginning

Present Day

Jeff previously called Visions and told them that the PDNY had to do a search of the school for the whole day for a dangerous criminal in the area, so he told the principal that all the staff and kids had to go home and couldn't come to school that day. In actuality, Miles wanted to throw her surprise birthday party at the school and more importantly, propose to her there because that is where they first met. Miles and Peter got to the school and helped Rio, Jeff, George, and the rest of the spider family set up her party. After about 30 minutes, the jitters got to Miles and Jeff noticed. He walked up to Miles and said, "What's wrong son, you look very very nervous." Miles said to Jeff, "Sorry dad, it's just that...I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with Gwen...but what if she's not. What if she says no? If she says no then the rest of our relationship will be nothing more than awkward." Jeff put his hand on Miles' shoulder and says to him, "Son its okay to feel nervous about this, I was damn nervous proposing to your mom, I honestly thought she would say no too, but when she said yes it was the happiest day of my life...well other than you being born of course. Gwen loves you Miles, I don't think you even know how much she loves you. I know she'll say yes!" Miles gave his dad and smile and said, "Thanks dad, I really needed to hear that." Rio yelled to Miles, "The party is ready Miles!" Ham said, "Ready to shoot her the text bud?" Miles replies with, "Ready as I'll ever be!"

Gwen and Peni are shopping for shirts and leggings when Gwen gets a text. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and sees that the message is from Miles that reads in all caps, "GWEN BABY I NEED YOUR HELP! GREEN GOBLIN IS AT VISIONS!" Without a second to think, her and Peni run out of the mall and Gwen goes to an alleyway to change. Peni tells her, "You get changed, I'll meet you there!" Gwen nods and gets changed. A few minutes later Gwen gets to Visions and sees Miles outside in the hallway, he says to her, "Oh thank god you're here honey, I locked him in the science room so he couldn't escape. Gwen smirks with a nod and says, "I'm ready to kick some goblin ass babe." Miles thought in his head, "Oh she is going to be in for a surprise." Gwen kicks open the door and is met with a "SURPRISE!" from Rio, Jeff, her dad, Miles, and the rest of the spider gang. Miles walks over to her and says, " surprised?" Gwen jumps into his arms and gives him a huge hug and says, "Thank you so much Miles! But you didn't have to do this." Miles then says, "I know but I wanted to surprise you, and I wanted to spoil you, you deserve a break from the villains and the craziness of the world. Happy birthday baby, I love you!" Gwen lets go and says, "I love you too Miles!" Noir says to everyone, "Well what are we waiting for, LETS PARTY!"

The party goes on for a good few hours in the school's science room, the same room Miles and Gwen first laid eyes on each other, and the same classroom Miles made his terrible Einstein joke to which Gwen laughed at. The party was going great until Miles hits his cup with a spoon wanting to make a toast. He walk to the front of the room and says to everyone, "Thank you all for coming to Gwen's party, she means everything to me, not only is she smart, incredibly gorgeous, and the greatest girl in the world, she's also my best friend in the whole world. For those of you who don't know, this is the room where we first met, I came into class late and got scolded by my teacher for it. I stood in front of the class and said, "Well Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." I knew the joke wasn't funny, but I was just trying to be funny so I didn't get in trouble. The whole class was silent until I heard a little chuckle in the back of the class, I looked up and there I saw her. I met the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen and knew right there and then that we were meant to be." I don't know where my life would be without Gwen I really don't but I know one thing is for sure..." He lets out his hand and Gwen grabs it bringing her to the front of the class with him. Miles looks at Gwen and continues, "Gwen I don't know where my life would be without you, but I do know one thing is for sure, are my ride or die to the ends of the Earth and I know that...I want to spend the rest of my life riding and dying to the ends of the Earth with you." Miles gets down on one knee and pulls the little velvet box from his pocket and says to her, "Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, will you marry me?" Gwen was in so much shock that she couldn't even breathe at this point, but as soon as she calmed down, she said, "" Everyone in the room including Miles dropped their heads before Gwen said, ".......FUCKING WAY! OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU MILES!" Miles lifted his head back up and before he knew it, Gwen clung to him with her arms and legs wrapped around him and gave him the most passionate kiss they have ever shared. Everyone else cheers for them and start to tear up, Miles and Gwen eventually separate and Miles puts the ring on Gwen's finger, with as much excitement as she could muster, she yelled out, "Now we have another reason to celebrate!

Miles and Gwen start walking around the room and are met with congrats from everyone. George walks up to them and says to Gwen, "Hey sweetie, you excited?" She hugs him tight and says, "I very excited, I get to be with the man of my dreams for the rest of my life, who wouldn't be excited!" George chuckles and then says to her, "Sweetie do me a favor, look at your ring. Does it look familiar to you?" Gwen looks that the ring and is confused for a minute, but then she came to the realization and said, "Is this mom's ring?" George nods and smiles, Gwen looks at Miles and says, "But how did yo....." Miles grabbed her hand and kisses the ring and says, Remember when I first met your dad at the hospital? And remember when he asked you if he could talk to me for a moment? Well he gave me your mom's engagement ring he gave to her when they got engaged. He wanted to pass it down from mother to daughter." George then chimes in and says, "So not only is it your mom's ring, its a way of showing you that she is with you always and she is looking down at us, at all of us smiling." Gwen is now on the verge of tears and she hugs them both at the same time as tight as she could and cries with tears of joy. Between sobs she says, "I love you so so so much!" Both George and Miles say at the same time, "We love you too Gwen." Gwen lets go and looks at the sky wiping her tears away and says, "And I love you mom, as long as this ring is on me and I'm alive and breathing, I'll never forget you...never. The party ends after another hour or so and everyone starts cleaning up, Miles and Gwen start helping cleaning up until George, Rio, and Jeff all walk up to them and George says to them, "What are you guys doing? Go home." Miles says, "But we're helping clean up the party." Jeff says, "We all can take care of the mess, you two go home and celebrate your engagement." Gwen and Miles say okay and they both start to head out but before they could, George and Jeff yell to Miles at the same time and say, "Remember, use protection." Gwen and Miles both blush and they both yell, "DAD!" Jeff and George both laugh and get back to cleaning up the room, all while Miles and Gwen go back to her apartment. They both go in her room and Gwen throws Miles to her bed and gets on top of him. Miles says, "Gwen what are you doing?" Gwen responds, "Nothing Miles, just ready to go to bed and cuddle with my future husband." Miles says in his head, "Boy do I love the sound of that!" Miles opens his arms wide and Gwen throws herself at him and wraps every part of her around him, they start to  have a steamy make out session for a while before Miles put his hands under her shirt and starts to undo her bra, Gwen notices and stops Miles and says to him with a flirty voice, "Ah ah ah, not yet spider boy, you're going to have to wait until our wedding night." Miles says, "ohhhhh..." Gwen chuckles and grabs his face and kisses him as they lay down on her bed. They break for air and Gwen cuddles up to Miles and rests her head on his chest. They both sigh and stay silent for a little to enjoy the serene feeling around them. After a while Miles breaks the silence and says, "You ready for bed mi amor?" He looks at Gwen to see that she's already asleep, he smiles and kisses her forehead and whispers to her, "I love you Mrs. Morales." Gwen responds with a tiring and faint, "I love you too my love." They both drift off into slumber.

While Miles and Gwen were at her party, another party was being formed by a mysterious villain in another dimension, but this wasn't a birthday party, it was a gathering of soldiers, ready to kill any spider person they see. The mysterious figure, the same one that tried to kill George, walks to its soldiers and stand in front of them and yells, "I have gathered you all here to for one job and one job only...KILL ALL SPIDERS! All of the soldiers chant, "KILL ALL SPIDERS KILL ALL SPIDERS KILL ALL SPIDERS!" One soldier yells out, "WE'RE WITH YOU BLACKOUT!" The figure turns around and says to itself, "I will find you Spider Man, I know what world you live in and if I have to kill everyone you love including your precious little girlfriend to get you I will...I WILL KILL YOU MILES MORALES! I...WILL...KILL...YOU!"

Holy Shit! What a chapter! A new villain has entered the midst. Will Blackout find Miles? Tune in next time, Peace!✌️

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