Prologue I - A man who walk the path of heaven

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In a big battlefield between the symbol of hope. Number one hero of Japan and his worst enemy one for all(The worst villain of all time).

The fight was watched by the world. Every in japan.

At the fight everything was at all for one favor until.

Clock up...

Kabuto moved at the speed of light.

Stop at come to the battle moving everyone out of there. Getting there to the safely.

Clock over...

In form of all for one was kabuto the man the legend. Before he said said anything he heard.


Rider Kick!

A kick from the man. A powerful kick. Killing the so called main villain of the series.

In one attack.


A explosion happened leaving no track of the villains.

Look at the screen kabuto said:

Kabuto: [We might be need a little talk.]

Clock up...

The man disappear from the battlefield.

(A/N: So if you want i could continue this story. I also i know that there are already a Story about this idea. This is my version.)

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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