"Of course." Rebecca promised. "We care about you." 

Something seemed to be wrong with Leslie. Because of the different control over her mind and body, she began shooting in random directions. Her attacks had no aim, and only seemed to cause destruction around the building. The four helping her dodged her aimless fires and looked for cover. 

"Great. The power of friendship broke Leslie. Thanks, guys." Mark said, rolling his eyes. 

"We've made some progress." Rebecca claimed nervously. "At least she seems to want to be on our side."

"We just have to give her control over her body." Dogpoo added. 

After a moment, the group suddenly realized Leslie was causing major destruction to the building. If they didn't leave soon, they would be crushed. 

"Let's just get out of here." Mark complained.


Damien, Mole, and Estella ran through what felt like hundreds of hallways and made no progress. The Yardale headquarters was very large, and the three were quickly getting tired. 

"What if he's not even here?" Damien questioned worriedly. "What if this is all for nothing?" 

"It'd better not be. I'm not risking my life for nothing." Mole warned.  

"Pip has to be somewhere in this disgusting building." Estella bargained. 

Mole rolled his eyes. "I don't even like Pip." 

Damien's jaw immediately dropped. "How? He's literally perfect. I see nothing wrong with him." 

Mole then went on to list a few of the reasons he didn't like Pip. "He's annoying, I hate his voice, he's not nice, I'm pretty sure he hates French people- and I'm French-"

"At least he's not dead." Damien interrupted, shrugging. 

Estella and Mole slowly turned their heads towards Damien in shock. Mole almost went to attack Damien, but ultimately decided that now was a bad time for that. 

"Anyways," Estella began, urging for the subject to be changed, "is there any sign of Pip yet?" 

The other two shook their heads disappointedly, until Damien suddenly looked up and spotted a door with a sign that said, 'Hostage Cells.' He pointed towards it and said, "He might be in there." 

Quickly, the three opened the door in front of them and looked around until they saw the person they had come here for. Damien ignored the other people in the cells and immediately bolted towards where Pip was being kept. 

"Pip?" Damien asked, trying to open the door to the cell. "Are you okay?" 

Pip didn't reply. He simply stared at Damien and looked scared. Concerned, Damien tried harder to open the door until Mole took his shovel and broke the lock keeping it closed. 

"I was just about to do that." Damien complained.

"Sure." Mole sighed. "Hurry up and get your boyfriend so we can leave already." 

Not wasting a second, Damien rushed into the cell with Pip and knelt down beside him. "Pip, are you alright?" he repeated. 

Pip simply mumbled back, "We have to go." 

After Damien helped Pip get up, the four left as fast as they could and made their way back to the rest of the group. Suddenly hearing loud banging and crashing noises, they quickened their pace and grew worried. 

Once they had arrived in the room Dogpoo, Gary, Mark, Rebecca, and Leslie had been in, they soon realized what the loud noises were. Leslie was beginning to destroy the building, and they would all have to quickly leave. 

"Great job saving Leslie guys." Damien said sarcastically. 

"Hey, she's gotten better." Rebecca argued. 

Suddenly, Leslie seemed to lose energy and shut down. The building was still collapsing, though, and the whole group would still have to rush out. 

Once Gary and Rebecca had picked up Leslie, everyone quickly made their way out of the building to safety. It was decided that they would make their way back to Dogpoo and Brimmy's house, since Damien didn't want Leslie to destroy hell when she woke up. 

As they were all running away from the now destroyed headquarters, Mole stopped. Estella looked back in confusion, noticing that Mole seemed to be staring at something. She couldn't see what it was, and didn't have time to care. She quickly grabbed Mole by the arm and dragged him to safety. 

The End of Yardale Part IWhere stories live. Discover now