Ch34 Suffering

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I press the Song residence doorbell, and not long after, Mr. Song, Y/N's dad, opens the door. By looking at his aura, Mr. Song already had an idea that me and his daughter had a misunderstanding, but I can't tell if they knew exactly what it was.

"Sir, may I talk to Y/N, please?"

When Y/N rode away in the taxi, I went back to where I parked my car and drove straight to their home. I know she will not go anywhere aside from their house. She was not the type to run onto her friends if she had a problem but rather ran first to her family.

"When she arrived, she went straight to her room, and her action earlier is not what my daughters practice. Is there any problem? Did you two fight?"

"We had a misunderstanding, sir, and I want to explain to her, that's why I'm here."

"Good to know that, but Jimin, I'm warning you. She is the only one that we have, and getting hurt in a relationship is normal, but if I can see that my daughter was mistreated and offended by you, mark my words, Jimin, and I will cut your throat my own."

I was a little surprised by Mr. Songs warning. I don't know he can be this serious when it comes to her daughter, knowing he was all jokers and calm men.

"I admit, sir, I hide something from her, but I do have a reason that I want her to know, but only if she will give me a chance and listen to me. Please let me in and talk to her, sir."

"I can help you by letting you in, but talk to her? Thats up to my daughter if she will open her door and talk to you."

"Thank you, sir."

When Mr. Song moved aside from the door, I immediately rushed in, going upstairs to Y/N's room. I was in her room once, so that is why I know.

I did knock three times without saying anything, knowing that if she hears my voice, she is really not going to open the door. After the first attempt, I knocked again, but still, she didn't come to open.

"Y/N, it's me, please let me in, and please listen to me."

I waited, but still she didn't answer or open her door. I slid my body down and sat on the floor. I was so willing to wait until she opened the door and talked to me.

"Jimin, Jimin, wake up."

Mrs. Song's voice brought me back to life, and when I look up, I can see her face with all her concern for me.

"Jimin, it's too late. Go home and rest. Give my daughter some time."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Song."

"I understand, it's normal to have a fight between lovers, but Jimin, my daughter went through a lot in her early years. All I want for Y/N this time is happiness and contentment in life because for us, being with her after all her suffering is a blessing, and we consider it her second life from heaven."

What she said next left me speechless.

"If my daughter decides to end what you both have, please respect it and move on, peace is all I want for you and my daughter."


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