Chapter 52: Hero Ranking

Start from the beginning

" So your doing it for the public your so manly Wild Wild Pussycats " Kirishima said hiding his face in the crook of his elbow cried

" Dude cool it " Kaminari said

" I kinda forgot they haven't announced the results for the second half of the year yet " Mina said

" So much as happend " Tokoyami added

" A chart without All Might " Ojiro ponderd " that's so strange I can't imagine what it will even look like "

" It's also the first hero chart since the return of the kick ass hero Skrimisher " Y/N said with pride folding his arms

" You know that ego of yours is so big you'll probably never make it past rank 50 with how much it weighs " Mineta muttered

" What you say " Y/N said turning to the grape in anger


" The first chart since Kamino when All Might the Symbol of Peace was forced into early retirement you can feel the excitement folks this is an important moment in the history of heroes " A reporter said watching on

" In the past pros didn't come on stage during the announcements but today we see something new" she continues

The lights to the stage light up and everyone chattering comes to a stop as they turn their attention to see what the new rankings will be

" Here we go " the report says excitedly

The heroes coming up on stage would only be the top 10 afterall they were the ones people payed the most attention too

" Number 10 dropping down one rank from the last chart dragoon hero Ryuku " the announcer said as the hero stood up from her seat and made her way to the stage

" Honestly I don't think I deserve to place this highly " she said humbly with a friendly wave

" Number 9 in a huge leap up the charts it's Kamui Woods "

" I'm honored " he said making his way up the stage

" Number 8 from the orthodox school of manliness comes a regular in the top 10 shield hero Crust "

" I wish I could of seen All Might in action such a shame " he said teary eyed

" Number 7 another hero making a huge leap up the chart in a style only she can Crystal "

Crystal sighed " I hate this public stuff " she said trying to hide her disgust she always hated public events people tended to ask her why her quirk was and hero name were the same the people closer to hear asking why it was even her name the easy answer was saying she was lazy it kept things simple less baggage that way

" Number 6 this bunny's spirit is infectious rabbit hero Mirko " the announcer said as she flipped her hair

" Your still a grouch I see " she said jokingly at the pro beside her before looking at the other pro that stood to her other side " And I heard you formed a team talk about weak " she said tilting her head at him

" Number 5 check out the huge increase in this hero's resolved cases Ninja hero Edgeshot "

" Compose yourself were in public " he said scolding the bunny hero

" This time all the heroes involved in the Kamino incident have all seen their rankings go up " the reporter noticed

" His currently on hiatus but still ranked highly with the number 1 approval rating this round it's Fiber hero Best Jeanist were all hoping for his return as soon as possible " the announcer said as everyone clapped for the pro

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