Chapter 19 - Outcast

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With every sip of her coffee, Olivia's resolve solidified. She was a solitary figure, a stoic island in a sea of emotions. And as she faced the day ahead, she steeled herself for the battles she knew she'd have to fight – both with the outside world and the war within herself.


The day stretched on, and Olivia threw herself into her work, determined to keep her emotions at bay. Mission reports piled up on her desk, and she methodically typed away, focusing solely on the task at hand. The computer screen's glow reflected in her impassive expression, betraying nothing of the turmoil within.

Hours passed, and the occasional sound of footsteps outside her door signaled her mates' attempts to reach out. Yet, each time they knocked or called her name, she ignored them, maintaining her facade of stoicism. She had built a fortress around herself, shutting out any intrusion, even if it came from the people she was meant to be connected to.

Bruce's voice was the first to break through the walls. "Olivia, can we talk?"

She didn't look up from her screen, her fingers continuing to dance across the keyboard. "Not interested."

His sigh was audible through the door. "You can't keep shutting us out like this."

Olivia's fingers paused for a moment, but she quickly resumed typing, her tone cold. "Watch me."

Later, Natasha's voice drifted into her apartment. "Olivia, we're not your enemies here."

Olivia's fingers curled into a fist, her nails digging into her palm as she fought the urge to respond. She wasn't about to let their words chip away at her resolve.

A soft knock came from the door, and this time, it was Clint. "Come on, Liv, give us a chance."

Her jaw clenched as she stared at the screen, a burning determination fueling her actions. She wouldn't let them break her down. She wouldn't let them see the cracks in her armor.

The attempts continued, each of her mates taking their turn to reach out. Tony's voice was laced with annoyance. "You can't hide forever, you know."

Thor's attempt was more earnest. "Lady Olivia, we wish to aid thee in thy time of need."

Wanda's plea was tinged with empathy. "We want to help you heal, Olivia."

Even Sam's voice, usually filled with light-hearted banter, was laced with concern. "Hey, don't shut us out like this. We care about you."

Olivia's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes fixed on the screen as if it held all the answers. She wouldn't allow their concern to seep into her heart. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of breaking her resolve.

As the day turned into evening, Olivia finally pushed back from her desk, exhaustion tugging at her. The apartment was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination coming from the dim city lights filtering through the windows. She glanced around, her gaze landing on the untouched meals her mates had left outside her door in a futile attempt to reach her.

With a sigh, Olivia stood and made her way to the balcony, leaning against the railing. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, and she stared out into the city's expanse, a sense of emptiness settling within her.


His voice was gentle, his presence unexpected. Steve stepped onto the balcony, his expression worn but resolute.

She didn't turn to face him, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "What do you want, Rogers?"

Steve's steps were measured as he approached, his voice soft. "I know you're hurting, and I know you're trying to protect yourself. But shutting us out won't make that pain go away."

Burning Love - Avengers SoulmateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz