Dr. Team and his fussy patients

Start from the beginning

He takes the pill, places it between his teeth and bends down to hover right above win's mouth and gently pass the pill to him. When he straightens up, Win is beaming.

“Water,” Team reminds and supports Win’s head up with one hand and brings a water bottle to his mouth with his other. Win hums softly when he's done, signing for Team to take the bottle back.

Just as Team is considering how risky it would be to give his husband's lips a peck, next to him, a ruffled, red and clearly confused toddler sits up.

“Oh, hi, Thorn” Team grins and takes the boy in his arms, ignoring another pained groan that comes from Win when Chonlathorn accidentally kicks him in the stomach.

“How are you feeling, baby? Better? How’s your throat, still scratchy?”

Thorn murmurs something and buries his face into Team’s shirt.

“How’s his fever?” Win asks softly, still clutching his torso.

“I think it’s mostly down,” Team replies, stroking the baby's back.

“Be careful. What will we do if you catch it, too?”

“I'm a pro swimmer hia, plus we’ve got View here. He’ll take care of us,” Team chuckles. “I need to change his pajamas. These are drenched in sweat. What do you say, baby.? We’re gonna get you some nice, dry clothes, how does that sound?”

“Don’t wanna,” the boy sniffles.

“Like papa, like son,” Team snorts. “Shhh, don’t worry. It will only take a minute, and then you can go back to sleep. Papa will wait for you here. Promise. Come on.”

“Don’t wanna sleep,” Thorn protests as Team stands up. “Wanna watch a movie!”

“Okay. We’ll get you changed, and then you can watch a movie with papa.”

“Papa and appa!”

“Of course. Obviously. Papa and appa. As you wish,” Team promises, knowing damn well that Thorn will be out cold within the first ten minutes. “Let’s go then.”

Before Team gets to the door, it opens and View shambles in, looking like a tired, very confused zombie. His eyes are glassy. Team swears.

“Hia…” View starts.

“Not you too,” Team groans, lifting a hand that’s not supporting Thorn and placing it on View's forehead. “Yeah, definitely, you too. All right, then. Meds. Bed. Immediately.”

“But I don’t wanna be alone…” View whimpers, and Team seriously considers just jumping out of the window. Another fussy patient, that’s just what he needed. Was the whole family like this?

“Come on, then,” Win says from the bed, extending his arms. “You can stay and watch a movie with us.”

“Really? Awesome!” View grins and jumps onto the bed, suddenly seeming way more alive.

“Meds first!” Team says firmly. “And get under the covers, now.”

“Appa…” Thorn murmurs. “Can we watch Tangled?”

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