Chapter 1 ep 3

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Chapter 1. Episode 3!
*the trio went to winter class as they all luckily sat next to each other. Unfortunately they had to sit near the worst girl in school. Makio.....*

Haku:so we basically have to make snow float for some seconds and practice ice wind?

Iris: sounds like some fun!

Uradanai: i agree! Its better then having to study 2 different books in wind class....

Haku: i agree like, why do we have to learn that wind is pretty strong? I mean we have seen it in real life why study traumatic experiences.......

Iris:i second that, it's quite interesting but stupid,

*the trio did what they were told along with the other students doing there part*


*timeskip to lunch*

Iris: ayyy! We get soup, Meat and bacon for lunch!

Uradanai: i know right? Even tho i wanna go home

Haku: home is the best place in our lives. Real

Iris-uradanai: real!

*the trio ate there lunch they got as it was autumn class time*

*they got up and walked while haku held onto iris's sleeve as she didnt want to lose her inside the school halls*


*they got to class as sat down together they were told by teacher to write everything they knew about autumn*


*the students and the trio started writing while listening to music which was allowed in class*

Haku: Im finished with mine.

Iris:How. Give me your fast writing skills please!

Uradanai: real. It's literally been 6 minutes,

Haku:anyway....did yall hear about the rumors about Makio and her stealing someone's else's man?

Iris: it's literally the 4th time. Whos man now?

Haku:apparently it was either Amber's or Ronny's

Uradanai: Ronny's man isn't even that attractive to her?

Haku:thats what i said!

*the trio got finished with the rumor telling as the rest of the students finished with their homework and writing*

Haku:while we wait for this lesson to finish whats your favorite season guys?



Haku:mines spring and winter

*the trio talked till the bell rings as the students grabbed their backpacks and left*

Iris:only 2 more classes till wind class.......yayy!


Haku:did yall forget wind class lasts for 45 minutes?

Iris:its still long but its better then 78 minutes....

Uradanai:i wanna go back to 3rd grade....

*the trio then went to Light and spark class*

Iris:ayy! We get to play with sparkles in this class.

Uradanai:i know! Its amazing!

Haku:real! I really dont like school but sometimes its better then nothing.

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