I pulled out the dagger, and looked at the designs. "I've seen this before." I said. Then I remembered seeing it a long time ago. "It's Felicia's."

Aragorn grabbed the blade, and looked at it. "I didn't see her carrying it at all." He said. Just then an out of breath Gimli came up behind us.

"It looks like she had it concealed under her dress." I said. 'How sneaky' I thought smiling a little.  

Aragorn looked at the ground. "There are small footprints running in the opposite direction." He said. He followed them "I think they're Felicia's. But she was followed, and it looks like she tripped, and she got caught again." He bent down to the ground and touched something red on the grass "this is not Orc blood."

My eyes got wide "I hope she is still alive" Gimli said.

"If she were dead they would have left her body" I said.

"It's looks like it is about a day old" Aragorn said getting up to start running again "we are gaining on them" he began to sprint.

I put Felicia's dagger in my belt, and ran after Aragorn.

We kept running until we were to tired to keep it up, so we slept, but I did not sleep well. I worried for Felicia's safety. I could tell that Aragorn felt the same way.

We got up early the next morning, before dawn, and traveled more. When the sun started to rise I looked up to see a bright pink sky. We stopped to rest.

"The Red sun rises, blood has been spilt tonight" I said. I began to worry once more. We raced down the mountain.  

We were at the valley when I heard a bunch of horses coming our direction. We jumped behind a group of rocks on the side of the path. 

I herd of horses tramped on the path. I saw that these horses were dressed in the Rohon cloth, and most of the horses had riders on them. Once all of them had passed Aragorn stepped out from our hiding spot. 

"Riders of Rohon, what news from the mark?" He said. Gimli and I walked out after him. The leader of the group signaled for the riders to turn. They did so and the pack of horses surrounded us. Once they had completly had us in the center, they pointed their spears right at us. 

The leader of the group walked his horse up to us. "What business does a Elf, a man, and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!" I did not know who he was. 

"Give me your name horsemaster, and I shall give you mine" Said Gimli. The leader of the pack got off his horse, and hands his spear to another rider. Aragorn put his hand on Gimli's shoulder.

"I would cut of your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground." I got really mad, and quickly drew out my bow and an arrow. 

"You would die before your stroke fell." I said. The other riders put their spears closer to me. 

Aragorn pushed down my bow to lower it. "I am Aragorn, son of Arathron. This is Gimli, son of Gloin and Legolas of the Woodland realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your king." He said. 

The leader took off his helmet. I then recognized that it was the kings nephew Emor. "Theoden no longer recongnizes friend from foe. Not even his own kin." The spears from around us withdrew. "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets." He said eyeing us down. 

Aragorn stepped forward once more. "We are not spies. We track a party of Uruk-hai westward across the plain. They've taken three of our friends captive." He said. Gimli nodded. I noticed that a few of the riders looked at one an other.

"The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night." Emor said.

"But there were two hobbits. Did you see two hobbits with them?" Gimli asked. 

"And a girl elf, did you see her?" I asked hoping for an answer. 

"What does this elf look like?" He asked. 

"She has dark brown hair, and she is small for an elf. She was wearing a green dress, and she has on a mithrel starflower necklace." I said discribing Felicia. 

Emor whistled and a horse started walking up. "Would this be her?" He asked. 

A man carrying a limp elf in his arms came up. I ran up to him, and he passed her to my arms. Tears rushed to my eyes. "Felicia" I whispered. Aragorn and Gimli came up next to me. 

I looked at her. She was very pale, and had a huge gash across her cheek, and it had dired blood on the cut. She had a big brusie on her forehead, and she also had cuts on her wrists. Her arms dangled helpessly. 

She looked so weak. Her breath was slow. 

"We found her like this, under a dead orc, while we were picking up the dead bodies." Emor said walking forward. 

                                                          Emor's Flashback
We had killed all the orcs in the middle of the night. I found it weird to see them out here. There were no settlements around here for them to destroy. It was early morning and we were pilling up the carcasses in a pile to burn them.

 I was searching through the a dead body when..."Sir, you might want to come over here." I got up and walked over to Himbli. I got up to him and looked down.

There was a she-elf laying under a dead orc with a spear in the back. I bent down quickly and pushed off the orc.

This elf was small. She was hurt. She was very pale, and had a gash on her cheek, and a bruise on her head, and cuts all over her. I put my hand on her forehead, and she was very cold. Despite her condition she was very beautiful.She had on a dark green dress, and I looked at her neck and saw a beautiful flower necklace. I knelt down and picked up her head.

"Does anyone have any water?" I asked loudly. Himbli pulled out his pouch of water and handed it to me. I opened her mouth a little and poured some water in her mouth. I didn't seem to revive her. "We are going to have to take her down the the creek, and then try to wake her, so hurry up." I said. 

The company finished and I picked up the elf, and got on my horse, and headed off to the creek.

                                                                         Legolas' Point of View
Emor finished his story. I looked down at Felicias face.

"We were heading down to the creek when we ran into you" Emor said.

I handed Felicia to Aragorn. He took her in his arms. I put my hand on her face and began a simple chant, that Felicia taught me, that would revive her right away. Kuile. Edro elee. Kuile. Edro elee. Kuile a' i' anar.  I saw Felicias eyes begin to flutter. Then they opened right away


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