I stopped kissing him long enough to grab his hands in my own, forcing them above his head where I pinned them on the bed. I knew he was allowing me to pin him, since he could have thrown me across the bed with one hand, and that knowledge was a heady thing. This strong alpha man was allowing me to dominate him, and I lowered my mouth to his again, pressing my hips against him, causing a desperate little whimper to escape his lips.

He brought his knees up, allowing my body to settle between his legs. He ran a foot along my calf and ankle, surprising me with how quickly he went from manly to babygirl. It caused me to stop, looking at him quizzically.

"What do you want, Prince?" he whispered, his eyes shining brightly.

"I- I don't know." I answered, knitting my brows together.

"I'm completely at your mercy. I said am whatever you want me to be. I meant it." He winked.

"But you are normally so..." I began.

"Dominant?" growled Felix, startling us both. I looked his direction, and he was watching us with a sleepy, but hungry look in his eyes.

"Yeah." I responded, still confused "Sorry we woke you."

 He shrugged, not upset."Hyunnie-." His deep voice rumbled. "Bin is a switch. You know what that means, right?"

"In theory..." I started.

"Well, he tops me, mostly, anyway. But when he's in the mood, I top him. With you, he is submissive to you. Meaning he wants you to top him."

"Oh." My eyes went wide- not ever considering that possibility, since he was usually so aggressive. "Oh." said again, realizing exactly what Felix was saying.

"What?" Changbin asked- "you thought we'd just both top Felix?" he chuckled.

"I guess, yeah." I shrugged, looking down at Binnie who was still pinned beneath me, his muscles sinfully displayed.

"Well as much fun as that was last night." Felix said shyly "I think the two of you would eventually kill me." He joked.

"You'd die happy." Binnie joked and I smiled, as Felix shrugged in agreement.

"Besides- waking up to this..." Felix gestured to Binnie pinned under me, his thighs cradling my hips "Is too fucking hot." He leaned forward and kissed me languidly, nibbling on my bottom lip until my heart was pounding and Binnie was wiggling beneath me kissing along my wrist, jealous.

"These two." I thought, losing it. I broke the kiss and released Binnies arms, sitting back on my heels. "What if I don't want to be topped?" I asked, needing reassurance.

Binnie's head was shaking no "I'll never ever hurt you. You decide what you want. If you're top only, that's fine, right Lixxie?" he asked, and Felix nodded.

"And if you ever change your mind- you won't regret it." Felix promised, smirking cutely, making me laugh.

"Is that why you've been so shy with me? Changbin asked, worry etched on his face.

"Yeah- I mean I thought..." I started.

"You thought I'd make you... You thought I'd hurt you?" he asked, his face falling.

"No... I mean I guess, maybe?" I tried to explain. "It's complicated. you know? I want you- but I don't want to......"

"Get railed?" Felix offered and I winced at his frankness.

"Yeah. I guess." I agreed "Does that make me a terrible boyfriend?" I looked between them, something like fear at clutching me- fear they that they would still reject me.

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