Wait for me..

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Once william opened the door, he was greeted with Elias, Iris, Valerie, and Andrew.
      "Hello, are you that blond kids' family?" William asks.
      "Yea, we are, I'm Andrew, Arlos father," Andy stated, "he was supposed to come home before sunset. We were just worried."
       "Don't worry, i'd be worried as well if my son was with a stranger. I'm William, by the way," William said.
        After the small talk, Will and Andy had Valerie decided to join the conversation.
        "So William, what's your ability?" Valerie asked.
        "Oh, I don't have one,"
If Arlo's family's upset, it didn't show on their faces. After a bit more questioning, William invited the family inside.
        "Do any of you want anything water? Tea?" Will asks.
        "No, we're alright. Thank you, though," Valerie stated when Elias was about to ask for water.
        "Alri-" William was cut off by two small pares of footsteps.
        "Dad?" John says with a bit of a raspy voice.
        "Yes, kiddo?" William answers.
        "Who're they?" John asks.
        "That's my family," Arlo states with a similar raspy voice.
        "Arlo, bud, you ok?" Andy asks with a small hint of concern seeing arlos slightly puffy eyes.
        "Yea, I'm ok," Arlo replies.
The small walk to Arlo's familys house was uncomfortably silent. After a few minutes of walking, Valerie gently grabbed Arlo's shoulder.
        " Arlo. We don't want you hanging out with him anymore, ok?" Val states.
        "Wh- why?" Arlo asks in a sad tone.
        "Val. It's Arlo's decision if he still wants to hang out with John," Andrew states.
    Arlo was confused at what his aunt and dad were talking about, a bit worried as well. When they got to their house, they told Arlo about how John and his dad were powerless, his dad told him he wouldn't mind if he chose to hang out with John, same with his siblings, but his aunt told him it was wrong that it wasn't right.
     Arlo didn't know what to do he wanted to yell at his family more so his aunt as she talked about his knew found friend as if he were someone to be ashamed of.
    Valerie practically drilled it into his head that it was wrong by the next day, and he was back to how he was before he met John.
    "I don't know why Aunt Val is being like that, John and his dad are a joy to be around," Iris states, even though they were only at Will and John's house for a small amount of time.
    "I don't know either John seems like a good kid, and Williams pretty nice," Elias replies, "Sorry, I'm not that good at speaking on a emotional note, man I wish mom were here she would know what to do."
    Both siblings smiled at the thought of their late mother and how she would handle the situation.
   Elias and Iris stop seeing their other two siblings, Oliver and Alice. Oliver has dark blond hair like their mother and the same blue eyes their family shares. Alice,who has blond hair, is the only child who inherited her pail green eyes from their dad.
   As the four siblings notice each other, they fall into a small conversation about their aunt and how they could help Arlo.
   After some time, they stop talking once they hear voices around the corner from where they were walking.
   "Arlo, I really don't want you to hang around that boy anymore, alright," Valerie says, a little too harsh.
   "Why not he's my friend," Arlo responds a little agitated because of his aunts persistence. "And didn't I tell you earlier? I don't care that he doesn't have an ability. Why are you being persistent."
   The four siblings were astonished at Arlo for standing up for himself. They just hoped their aunt wouldn't take it too far.
   "Arlo. You will not hang around him anymore. You hear me. If you do, I'll double your training when we get home," Valerie stated already more irritated than before.
   Arlo hesitated as he thought about the time he fainted during training and how much his body hurt the next day. He doesn't want to imagine what would happen with even more training.
   A few minutes go by, and Valerie is getting impatient with arlo awaiting his answer. After another thirty seconds, he finally complies.
  "Ok, fine. I won't hang out with him anymore, happy?" Arlo said, walking away, leaving his aunt alone.
  Valerie sighs heavily, thinking she did the right thing and that he'd get over it after some time. As she's walking, Valerie turns a corner to see the four siblings.
   "Are you proud of yourself?" Oliver says with an irritated tone.
   "He was finally smiling again, and you ruined that," Elias stated.
   "You don't underst-" Valerie was cut off.
   "Yeah. We don't understand. John's a good kid, and you're talking about him and his dad like they should be ashamed of their existence." Iris practically shouts.
   "From what I've heard yesterday is that Arlo seemed really excited, he was smiling! He was happy again. And you're basically telling him he shouldn't be," Alice says angrily.
    Valerie didn't know how to respond she didn't want to fight, and she knew they didn't either. She wonders how her sister raised such rude children.

   "Hey, kiddo, back already?" William asks.
   "He wasn't there," John said, quite displeased.
William had a sad smile on his face he hated seeing his kid so down.
   "It might've been my fault," Will states, "they asked if we had abilities, and I said we didn't have any, I'm sorry, bud," Will says.
    "It's not your fault, dad. Maybe Arlos family just doesn't like people like us," John said, "I think his aunt was the one who didn't like us."
    "You noticed that too?" Will replies.
    John nodded his head, and after the much needed discussion that it wasn't their fault but the aunts, they enjoyed the lunch they made together. As the birds sing, the slightly blwing wind, and the sky, mixed in a red-orange and purplish hue, John hopes to see Arlo again tomorrow or later in the years he'll be waiting patiently till that day comes..

We Weren't So Far Apartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن