Even If Saving You Sends Me to Heaven

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Addison and Jim were let out in front of a house. It was beautiful, a very pale yellow with white shutters. More like a home than a place for a criminal mastermind like Jim Moriarty to live. Inside was much less like a home. It looked barely lived in.

"Sit." Jim said guiding Addison to the sofa. Where she sat.

"So I have a few things to inform you. One, we'll be meeting your dads at the pool soon. And two you will need to decide." Addison frowned.

"Decide to leave my family behind? Please you should know it'll take more than a minute."

"You can join me and ensure your safety as well as your father's or refuse and force Doctor Watson to decide."

Addison froze, visibly. He was going to make John choose between Addison and Sherlock, why would he do that? Addison couldn't wrap her mind around why he'd want to do that! Then it dawned on her, a game. Jim was cruel but he was a genius.

"What do I have to do?"

"First you'll have to forgive Mark. He gets a bit angry sometimes and lashes out." Then a smack landed on her cheek and Addison tumbled to the floor.

Jim smiled.


Sherlock warned Mycroft to butt out. Jim was smart, Mycroft couldn't fool him with his spies. But since when did Mycroft take orders from his younger brother? Mycroft had a few cameras well hidden in the pool ever since the incident with John.

Mycroft paced his office. Why? He wanted to know why Jim did this. Why take Addison. Why not just take Sherlock. Why was Jim so evil, why was Jim so cruel and why couldn't Mycroft just stop caring about that little ginger haired girl. Mycroft sat in his chair, frustrated at his emotions. His phone rang and he frowned.


"Uncle Mycroft I regret to inform you that I haven't actually been kidnapped. I have joined Jim Moriarty willingly because I'm tired of my father being an unsufferable git."

The line went dead. Mycroft's heart soared because not only was she lying, but she'd used their secret phrase which had meant she was fine, dad was in danger and she was going to fix it. He didn't text Sherlock because he couldn't know and Mycroft sighed tiredly.

Mycroft is back on his feet now, pacing. He wants to know where she is. See what she's doing, see that she hasn't been harmed. If Moriarty has harmed her Mycroft will kill the man, himself. Mycroft took a deep breath knowing emotions are running high and murder will only get him sent to prison. He sighs again and briefly yearns for the past. The past where Sherlock was high all the time and ten year old Addison was safe, with Mycroft or with the girls home.

Mycroft is frustrated again because he's good at not caring, it's his specialty but when it comes to Addison he can't swallow his emotions. They claw their way back up and mess with his thinking and he's annoyed.

He just wants Addison back safely.


John and Sherlock went to the pool immediately. They got there and Sherlock checked the whole place, it was empty. Sherlock paced beside the water and John leaned against the wall. He swallowed the panic inside because this place brought back memories that physically hurt.

John shakes those memories away but is still panicked. Addison, where is Addison? John knows Moriarty will hold up his end of the deal but where is he? John wants to see her face, with her expressions that are so like Sherlock's. He wants to be reassured that she is okay and not just have someone tell him she is. He's had people telling him for a year that she's okay and she wasn't, she wasn't okay at all.

Sherlock is pacing. He's thinking. Over-thinking, how could he let this happen? Why didn't he notice? He's going over the past few days trying to find something but he can't. Nothing comes to him and for once he has no answers and he's so frustrated because she is his daughter. Dammit he loves that little girl and he wasn't even sure he was capable of love. Now, however, he knows he is.

He brought her up by himself, well kind of. He didn't think he could do it. When he got into drugs when she was ten he knew he'd failed her somehow because he'd taught her about drugs. He'd told her they were bad and she must stay away from them. He taught her so many things and then he did just what he told her not to.

Stupid, how could he be so stupid? Sherlock wasn't anything now except angry. Angry someone would dare take his little girl away he was just so angry.

"Hello boys!" Jim's cheerful voice called. Sherlock didn't even start just simply glared.

"You two seem a bit tense, ease up! Oh I know what, we'll bring Addie to the party! Oh Addie, darling!"

Addison stumbled in, hands bound in front of her. A large bruise on the side of her face, her lip bleeding, and she was breathing almost as if it hurt.

Sherlock scanned over her. Smacked across the face, fell onto the floor busted her lip, was then kicked. Sherlock was seething below his cool exterior and if Moriarty was anyone else Sherlock would have torn him apart, literally.

"You have a smart kid Sherlock, but she's a bit dark, don't you think?"

Sherlock doesn't respond and glares at the criminal instead.

"Addison sees good and bad but not like you. She sees the bad and the good won't last, it'll turn bad. She sees emotions but think they're lies, why is that? Is it because her father doesn't actually care?"

Sherlock pretended to not be affected by Jim's taunts. He hoped with all his heart Addison knew that he loved her dearly.

Moriarty drones on, deducing wrongs things. Sherlock is confused by this. Why is he all of a sudden getting it all wrong? It's almost as if he's trying to... Then it all falls into place and he understands. He really understands.

"Why would you want the company of a child?" Sherlock asks, interrupting Jim's speech. Jim stops and smiles as he always does.

"She's not your average child she's special." Jim said. Sherlock felt nauseated.

"She's smart, sees the world in very unique way. I am intrigued by her."

Sherlock keeps his face impassive.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Kill you." Sherlock sighs.


"Oh, but maybe I'll kill little Addie instead. Sherlock I always keep my promises and I said I'd burn the heart out of you. I think I'll be sure of that uh now." A red dot appeared on Addison's forehead. She let her eyes flutter shut.

The air in the room is tense and Sherlock is shaking. John isn't sure he's breathing anymore. And then the tension is cut and it sounds like the firing of a gun because it is and there is a cry of pain and then the body of the victim slumps to the floor of the pool.


This chapter sucks I KNOW.

Throw something at me, come at me bro.

This chapter will be dedicated to... blue_fire_tiger


The best comment on this chapter will also get a dedication.


Sorry about grammer mistakes or misspellings guyssss

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