Ch 16- Brian

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A/N: Hey guys I'm super sorry Its been half of a year! I have been sooo busy and have not been able to post. I hope you like this chapter, I did it just for you guys.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own these characters Just the newer ones! Thanks. Comment, vote and add me:)


Renesmee’s POV

As we drove in the parking lot I got a text, from Jake. “Ness, I love you and I need you home. I’m dying inside because I can’t see your face. Why did you run away?”

I felt a tear go down my cheek.

“Ren, are you okay?” Brian spoke softly.

“Yeah, it’s just a friend. But hey would you stay with me; I really need someone right now.” I replied.

“Ren, are you sure, I mean we just met. But if you want I will stay.” Brian announced.

I nodded my head and we got out of the car.

We reached the counter.

“Could we get a suite with two queen size beds?” I asked.

The lady looked at me funny and then nodded her head.

“That will be 500 dollars please.” I took my wallet out, but I felt a cold hand touch me.

“I’ll take this one Ren.” He spoke.

I glanced up at him and nodded.

We walked to our room and I went straight for the bathroom.

I turned on the fan and sat down on the tub. Tears started streaming down my face. I got out my phone and dialed my dad.

“Ness, where are you? Are you okay?” My father asked.

“Dad, I don’t think I’m coming home. I love you too much to hurt you guys. I think it is best for me to live far away. I met a guy named Brian and he is sweet, he helped me get somewhere to sleep. I think I might be in love with him.” I spoke.

“But Ness, what about Jacob?” he asked.

“Dad, you know that I can’t be with him, he loves mom and not me. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t love me.” I started getting louder.

“Ness, is everything alright?” Brian asked.

“Um… Ness, who are you talking to?” My dad asked with anger in his voice.

“Dad that is Brian, The guy I was talking about.”

“Oh! Sorry Ness, but I understand, and I’ll tell Jake that you want to be by yourself.” My dad spoke.

“I love you dad.” I hung up the phone and began to cry.

I looked at my phone. It was already 9:30. I got up and looked into the mirror. I had mascara all over my cheeks. I grabbed the soap and a towel and started removing my makeup.

I opened the door and walked over to my purse. I dropped my phone into it and asked Brian if he had a t-shirt I could borrow to wear for bed. He nodded and removed his shirt. I was frozen. I had never seen such a beautiful body besides Jakes.

Brian wasn’t as dark as Jacob but that didn’t matter. Brian was a nice tan; he had an eight pack just like Jake. I gasped and my eyes were huge. “Ness, I love how you are looking at my abs but I think you have gone through a lot at this time, so could you just please take my shirt and get into bed?”

I giggled and grabbed the shirt. I walked into the bathroom and took my day clothes off. I put his shirt on. I found a complementary tooth brush and started brushing my teeth. I looked at myself one more time before opening the door.

“Renesmee, stay strong and smile. You have Brian now. Forget the past and move on forward.” I whispered to myself.

Fire Hits Ice:A Jacob and Renesmee Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now