《A Small Secret》

Start from the beginning

"Possibly," I lied. "I have had numerous jobs." I said nervously, hoping he wouldn't see right through me. I noticed that Lucifer-or Urushihara-had been silently eating. He occasionally paused to glare at me. Alsiel sent a look at Lucifer every time he stared at me.

I didn't really like this awkward cycle of behavior of his, so I decided to try and hold a conversation with him.

"So, Urushihara-" I began, before he cut me off.

"Shut up." He muttered. I swallowed the irritation.

"Excuse us for one moment." Alsiel said, dragging Lucifer with him outside.

"Sorry again. Don't mind him, he's a bum." Maou said, glaring at their direction as Ashiya closed the door.

"No, no, it's fine. If I did know him before, I can't remember a thing." I said, swirling my chopsticks in my noodles half heartedly.

"Why are we friends?" Lucifer asked me. The sun shone bright and warm on our faces, and the breeze brushed back strands of our hair, keeping us cool.

Why was I remembering this?

"I do not know. Even though, if it is okay with you, I would like to stay like this for awhile." The breeze that touched my cheeks reminded me of the fact that they were heating up.

"Of course, it's okay." He turned the other direction, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Hikari?" Maou was gathering the plates. I returned to the present. How foolish of me. There was nothing in the past. There was no point of it whatsoever. I can't get distracted now, not when I'm so close to them at the moment. I couldn't forget my purpose.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking of the other people I might have forgotten." I stated as monotone as I could manage. It wasn't a complete lie.

"Oh." Maou shrugged.

It was at this moment that Alsiel and Lucifer walked back in, Lucifer sulking. He crawled to the corner with his laptop. I sweatdropped. Was that thing really an obsession of his? The look on his face was intent, as if the screen held imperative content.

What if he was hacking into databases that contained this world's deepest secrets? Is that what he was doing? I was tempted to look.

So that's what I did.

I tried to appear casual, walking past him and looking over his shoulder at the screen. He kept going at different angles which made it difficult to see. Whether he was doing it on purpose or not, I wasn't sure.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lucifer inquired, holding the laptop close to him.

《Forget Me Not》A The Devil is a Part Timer Fan Fiction {Lucifer/Urushihara x Reader OC}Where stories live. Discover now