First Day

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Brooklyn, New York

In Miles Morales' apartment, Miles sat in his room, drawing graffiti style art on some papers, while singing "Sunflower" by Post Malone, with his headphones in. While he did so, both his Mom and Dad called out to him, several times. When he finally heard them, they asked if he had packed his bags for school.

"Yeah..." Miles lied, looking at his empty bag. He quickly grabbed a whole bunch of clothes from his basket and he quickly stuffed them in his bag. Once his bag was packed, he got dressed and burst out of his room.

"Miles, what took you so long?" Rio asks, handing him his plate of breakfast.

"Sorry, I kinda, sorta got up late." Miles answers, taking his breakfast.

"Are your bags packed?" Jefferson asks, giving Miles his backpack.

"Yeah, yeah of course!" He replies, struggling to lift up his bag.

"Alright, finish up your food so I can drive you to school."

"No, no, Dad! You don't need to!" Miles says, making his way towards the door.

"Miles, don't you walk out that door." Jefferson exclaims, grabbing his keys. But, Miles was already out the door and already on his way to school.

"That boy." Jefferson says, shaking his head.

"He's your son." Rio says, walking away. Jefferson nods and looks down but quickly turns his attention back his wife.

"Hey, he's yours too!" Jefferson calls out, following her.

Outside, Miles passes by his old school, Brooklyn Middle School, and talks to his old friends.

"How's your friend, Ganke?" One of the students asks.

"Doing pretty good. We're working on a project together." Miles answers, dapping up another one of his friends that pass by.

"Dude, you talked to Phin?" A girl asks. Miles shakes his head.

"Been a while since we talked, actually. She just moved schools."

"Oh... Well call me." She shouts, as Miles walks away from the school. He starts putting stickers, on signs, mail posts, and doors, but ends up tripping over his shoe strings. Coincidentally, Jefferson's patrol car happened to pull up in front of Miles when fell.

"Dad, are you serious?" Miles asks, inside of the car. "I could have just walk-

"If I had let you walked, you wouldn't have made it to school. Not on time at least."

"Come on, we both know that's not true." Miles replies, looking at the window. They pass by a TV that talks about Spider-Man.

"You know, I will never understand why people love Spider-Man so much. All he does is zip zap on his little webs-

"He still gets more done than the cops." Miles says. Jefferson chuckles.

"You don't actually think that, do you?" Jefferson asks. Miles stays silent. As a response, Jefferson sighs.

"Alright... So how you liking the new school so far?"

"Not a fan of it. Kind of prefer the old school." Miles answers. "It had more people like me."

"The new school doesn't have people like you?"

"They're all just snobs Dad. Except Ganke. I felt like I fit in at my old school. Here... I feel like a outcast."

Jefferson nods, and pulls up to the front of the school.

"Well, that's a good thing. You don't have to be like everyone else, son. Just be yourself. Your own person. Do your own thing. If other people don't like it, then maybe they shouldn't be around you. And, the people who do support you, you keep them by your side. You got that?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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