[DAY 0]

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The colorful sunset illuminated right through Beomgyu's window, allowing him to witness day coming to an end. Honestly, he was glad about that. Even though Beomgyu had many options to occupy himself with, these days seemed very bland. Like there was something incredibly important missing in Beomgyu's life, and he couldn't tell what it was. He had everything that he desired for. Quite literally.

Beomgyu spent this morning by golfing together with his friends, those of high status. Of course they were. Normal people wouldn't afford paying for a private land like it cost two cents. Afterwards, he went shopping with his father's credit card and bought new pieces to his Valentino Garavani collection. It still hasn't satisfied him enough, and he felt guilty about it. Beomgyu was spoiled, yes - but being moody after buying clothes wasn't a common occurence at all.

So Beomgyu tried to cheer himself up by watching a movie. Sitting down cross-legged on his bed, he mindlessly scrolled through Disney+. Normally, Beomgyu would prefer Netflix instead, but it felt like he already binge-watched most of their content.

Thirteen. The movie popped up on his screen and after reading the brief description, Beomgyu rectulantly clicked on it. Then he started watching as a thirteen-year-old girl became a troubled teen after becoming friends with the wrong person. It seemed absurd to Beomgyu. He was thirteen when he secretly played Minecraft until the noon and owned a big collection of fidget spinners. Watching someone so young do drugs and thefts, just because of a bad inlufence, made his stomach turn in disgust.

Or was it really disgust?

Beomgyu thought about it. And believe him, he didn't really think a lot. Usually, there were other people doing that favour for him. Like their maid when he couldn't figure out where he left things, or their chef when he couldn't decide what to eat for dinner.

But right now, his eyes darted around the room as he thought about that movie. Beomgyu hung out with friends and attended parties quite often, but those were the wealthy ones. Even if he did something bad, there was no thrilling experience about getting caught. No feeling of shame after spending too much money. No freedom because he escaped the ruthless truth of poverty.

That just made him feel worse. There were so many teenagers around his age barely getting by, and there he was, complaining about his pampered life in a literal mansion. Beomgyu didn't get it - why he was so desperate to feel blood rushing through his veins like it was the last day of his life. Perhaps he just wanted to close his eyes and feel something he never felt before; and poor people seemed much more experienced in that.

Beomgyu's heart almost jumped out of his chest after hearing his own ringtone. He was too occupied with thinking that it startled him. After seeing who the intruder was, Beomgyu rolled his eyes and picked up the phone with a fond smile on his face.

"Beomgyu hyung?"

It was Taehyun. Beomgyu's best friend who was surprisingly only an average teenager. He just happened to do modelling and that brought him some money. Beomgyu still remembered the day they met.

His parents unsuccesfully tried to get their youngest son into a photoshoot but Beomgyu's stubborn nature failed them. He was around seven and couldn't stop screaming every single time someone told him to get into a different position. After leaving the studio, he met Taehyun - a six year old standing in a hallway and sucking on a coca-cola lollipop. When he saw Beomgyu cry, he quivered his brows in confusion and offered him a strawberry one, pulling it out of his suspender pants. And the rest is history.

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