—.—.— time skip —.—.—

We had gone downstairs about an hour ago to write this and we had just finished it.

The boys and girls of the Gryffindor house had just started waking up for one last day of classes before going off for the holidays.

I quickly re read the letter before putting it in an envelope with a stamp to take to the male office.

Dear mother and father,

       I understand that I have done wrong and I will return soon to take care of my punishment. Please do tell my dearest brother I am sorry. Once again I will return home soon but for the Easter holiday I will be staying at Hogwarts to finish up school work. I miss you dearly and I will not disappoint you further.

- Sirius Orion Black

Y/n had helped me think of what to write and once we knew what I would say it took us 10 try's to get a neat looking letter because I kept shaking from my previous breakdown.

I stuffed the letter into my pocket and went to go get the boys from the dorms while y/n went to get the girls.

             —.—.— Y/N's POV —.—.—

Everyone had just gone down to the great hall for breakfast. I was still getting ready because I had a lot to think about with all that just happened.

I had just walked out of the bathroom when I saw the gift James gave me for Christmas. The bracelet that I wore everyday. I looked at it as I remember something funny when I came back from Christmas.

—.—.— flashback —.—.—

Lily and I had just gotten off the train with our new pets. We couldn't afford to get ones at the beginning of the year so we got them for Christmas.

Lily got a tiny little kitten that she named Crookshanks.

I got a nice brown owl and she was just a baby but according to the shop owner she would grow fast. I haven't thought of a name yet so I just called her owlette.

We were heading inside to the great hall for dinner on the night before classes started back up again. We ran inside and snuck to the Gryffindor table while Dumbledore said his speech.

We spotted the group and ran over to them. They were actually paying attention to Dumbledore so quickly we told the ladies to act like we've been here all along and then sat down as quickly and quietly as possible.

Dumbledore finished his speech and the food appeared. The boys turned as I sighed and said, "FINALLY! Boy that took a while."

They just sat there in shock as I started chomping on some wings and lily was eating a piece of chicken.

"Oh hey guys!" Lily said excitedly, "when did you get here!?"

"But-" James said.

"We were here before you!" Peter exclaimed, "when did you get here?"

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