Chapter 15 - Lost tape #1134

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Tw: Blood, graphic eire sounds and some unsettling glitching

???, ?????? ??, 2023

It's been two days after the former winglet and they read the scrolls, it didn't give them much information about the cave or the assassin but today was the day that Tide and Acinonyx would go to Jade mountain academy to see what happened for it to be deserted. "Tide get the camera!" Onyx shouted as Tide ran though the abandoned place to get where the others were expected to be, and Rschvania who was asleep, Anaconda did report that she heard her crying last night.

"Ok got it Acinonyx we can go now!" Tide walked through the steets to go out to the entrance of the city, "One second" Hawk gave Onyx an annoyed look. "Where?" Hawk complained as Onyx was about to go into the house "I want to say bye to Rsch you stupid skywing" Onyx said her wings turned crimson for a bit "do you like her?! 'cause she's married" Hawk shouted quietly and Onyxs wings turned emerald (Rainwing color for gross) "No I just don't want our friend to wake up a have a panic attack because two of us are missing, remember we didn't talk to her about this" Acinonyx turned to walk away.

Onyx walked into their room and Rsch looked like she died from a heart attack while laughing about an unfunny joke Hail told that he learned from one of our teachers at school. The hybird walked up to Rsch and grabbed a pencil and a blank scroll and wrote down this 'Me and Tide are going to Jade mountain academy to investigate an issue, it's been deserted for days now: so that's why we're going to be gone for a bit, we know you and just incase you start panicking heres a note.

Signed: Acinonyx'

Then the dragon put the scroll beside the sleeping human, Onyx then walked out of the room with her wings black trying not to wake up Rschvania with her wings. Tide and Acinonyx took off a few minutes later and the dragonets went inside a played cards for awhile because Rsch wasn't up yet.

A few hours did pass and the sun was almost in the middle of the sky, Rschvania woke up looked around then saw the scroll and she read, when was this talked over. She thought as she rubbed her forehead she put on her boots and walked to where the others were, the dragons were playing slap the jack, Rsch sat down as a jack was placed down on the big pile of cards that were placed in the middle of the circle, everyone slapped down Anaconda was the first to slap along with Fawn, Hail then Hawk who looked like he was in pain, "HAIL YOU HIT MY HAND REALLY HARD!"

Hawk said as he took all the cards, "I WIN!!" Yelled Anaconda who took all the cards from everyone and invited Rschvania to play as well, they explained the rules to her and they played for a couple hours.

"Guys I have a confession to make" Hail said looking a bit said like he betrayed them, "Hail... what did you do?" Rsch said then Hail's face lightened up "I am... Hungry" Hail said wagging his white and red spikey tail, everyone sighed in relief and Hawk was laughing then suggested lunch for everyone Anaconda did have left over furit and Hawk went hunting in his dragon from and brought back some camel which he cooked with his fire before he got back and then they ate, after lunch a bird flew through the window with a tape in its claws and then the bird landed on Fawns shoulder and gave her the tape. Rsch threw sand at the bird as Fawn stopped her.

"This is Onyx's pet bird Mallow! He's a desert wern and somehow he has a tape that has a note... on the back..." Fawn said and took the note off "it's says 'Sorry we can't speak' that's erie..." Fawn said then took out a tape player and put it in the machine as the rest of the group walked over and then Mallow flew away.
*Tape click and glitching*

Lost tape #1134



'Tide hold the camera straight we don't want to miss anything'

'Alright sorry'

'Jade mountain is sure deserted and *glitch* it's really dark like a normal mountain'


'So that's why we're investigating, Tide come on'


'Were in the main hall which is bigger then I remember'


'Onyx I'm a bit *glitch* scared...'

'Guys we ar-*glitch* filming this *glitch* incase we die...*glitch*'

'So don't come looking for *glitch*'




'I-I she's full of blood... and THREE MOONS!! NO NO NO *GLITCH* MOON'


'What do we do Onyx'

'I-I don't kn*glitch'

*eire and bell ringing in the background*

'Tide what was *glitch*'

'I don't know'

'We should go'

'We came here to investigate and that's *glitch'

*blue eyes appeared in background*


'What is that...'



*the camera was dropped*

*long glitch and tape clicked*
"NO!" Anaconda got the tape that left everyone in horror. Rsch was thinking of the tape she left her son just incase she died... and she did what if... they suffered the same fate?

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