Chapter 4: Park Problems: S1

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They all go in the car, and Umbreon starts driving to spa, it took half an hour to get there.

Vaporeon: I didn't know it was this far. Umbreon: I didn't know either. Well we're here. So let's go inside. *they all start to speedrun out of the car into the building* Umbreon: Uhhh ok? 

After entering.

Umbreon: uhh hello ma'am? Worker: oh hello- Oh Hello! I haven't seen you in a while! It's good to see you! Umbreon: I know it's been a while. Worker: well it's to see you so, it's all the girls including you? Umbreon: yup. Worker: so all the girls will go to the girls area, because we don't have gender mixing. Sylveon: 'oh dang' Umbreon: ok then I'll go to the boy's area. Worker: alright.


*Glaceon pov*

Glaceon: I'll have to call flareon to let him know that we are with you at a spa. Umbreon: alright. Glaceon: *calls Flareon* uhh I'll be back I have to take this. *walks off with her phone* Umbreon: alright.

When she's by herself

Glaceon: is anyone near? Ok. Flareon: hello? Glaceon: uhh flareon, I'm at a spa with all of the other girls including umbreon. So I just wanted to let you know. Flareon: alright thanks for letting me know. I'll see you later. Glaceon: alright bye. *hangs up* ok..


*Umbreon pov*

Umbreon: There you are, now let's go. *all the girls nod and start going inside*

2 hours later....

Umbreon: Alright are we all ready? *everyone says yes* Umbreon: alright then let's get going. *starts driving home*

After arriving.

Jolteon: Hey um Umbreon. Umbreon: Uhhh yeah? Jolteon: how about we go to a park. Umbreon: Uhhh sure. Glaceon: 'atleast I get some time away from jolteo-' Flareon: *taps glaceon's shoulder* Glaceon: 'ughhhh right....' fine flareon.... Flareon: nice~


*Umbreon pov*

Umbreon: Bruh... did this dude really fall asleep...? Alright well I've been gone for 3 hours, it's time for me to get home already, sylveon must be worried of me.

After almost 1 hour of walking he reached the forest.

Umbreon: it's taking so long.... Ditto: 'that umbreon lookin kinda cute though~' Umbreon: I heard something! Ditto: *disguised as room* nope just a rotom flying around. Umbreon: oh ok. Wait a minute, those are really small eyes to be a normal pokemon, Wait that's a Ditto. *hears grass and leaves crumble towards him* Umbreon: who, Ayayayay! Chill! Ditto: we're going to be together forever~ Umbreon: Wait, I have A girl- *gets kissed by ditto* *screams in embarrassment*


*Jolteon pov*

Jolteon: *hears screaming coming from the forest* I think thats umbreon! *starts speeding towards the forest*

10 seconds later he reached Umbreon, getting kissed by a Ditto.

Jolteon: AY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! Ditto: what does it look like? Jolteon: he has a girlfriend. Ditto: Wait what? Umbreon: Yeah, I already have a girlfriend. Ditto: oh shoot, I didn't know. *turns into a rotom again and flies away* I apologize! *sound fades away* Umbreon: I need to go home, I'm tired.. Jolteon: same.. well I know where we are supposed to go. Follow me. Umbreon: alright.

After walking for 2 and a half hours, they reach there place. Umbreon: it is really dark in there. Jolteon: I'm hiding in this box while following you. Umbreon: alright then.

A bit later

Umbreon: hey is my head glowing? Jolteon: yeah. Umbreon: oh then I could see. Jolteon: hey bro I found Glaceon, see you tomorrow. Umbreon: alright. *leaves* Jolteon: alright time to go to sleep. Glaceon: *gets up quietly with a frying pan* *smacks him with it quietly* das what Chu get for being gone for almost 3 hours. Umbreon: *reaches Sylveon's room* hey sylveon. Sylveon: look behind you. Umbreon: hu- *gets smacked upside the head* Sylveon: that is what you get for taking too long.


*Umbreon pov*

Umbreon: *tied up* Huh?! OMG! I'm tied up! Someone! He- Sylveon: Hey! Umbreon: Oh Uhhh hi sylveon! Uh why did you hit me? Sylveon: Because you worried me! I was afraid that you gotten kidnapped! Umbreon: Well can I tell you why it wasn't my fault. Sylveon: I'm listening.

After umbreon told her everything.

Sylveon: oh shoot I'm sorry I didn't know! Umbreon: it's alright. Sylveon: alright.


*Glaceon pov*

Glaceon: look I apologize but your going to sleep with me alright? Jolteon: ok.

TBC... 1307 words..

(The Fairy and the Dark Type) Sylveon x Umbreon Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz