Mason Backstory

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One day, we see Blitzo at his office, sitting on the chair near his desk. Blitzo was lying his head on the desk and was sad. Then suddenly, Moxxie come in.

Blitzo: *rising his head* Go away, Moxxie!

Moxxie: What wrong boss?

Blitzo: Stolas don't want talk to me.

Moxxie: Why he don't talk with you?

Blitzo: I don't know! Its been so long since we chat together in happy death wish or something.

Moxxie: That sad. We should talk to him in here.

Blitzo: *looks at Moxxie with angry look* We? What the fuck, Moxxie!

Moxxie: Ops, I mean you.

Blitzo: *Slam his desk* Look, Moxxie! I have been very stress lately and I don't wanna hear about shit!

Moxxie: I-I-

Blitzo: What?

Moxxie: I-Im sorry, sir.

Blitzo: Don't sorry to me.

Moxxie walks towards Blitzo and touches his right shoulder to relax him down.

Moxxie: Blitzo, please relax.

Blitzo: *Pushes him* Get away from me! Just stop!

Moxxie: *Afraid* F-Fine, s-sir.

Blitzo: *sighs* Anyway, what brings you here?

Moxxie doesn't respond to him.

Blitzo: *Looks at him* Moxxie?

After long slince, Moxxie eventually spoke with fear and worried.

Moxxie: D-Do you have work for me t-to d-do?

Blitzo: Yeah, I have one work for you. It gonna be easy.

Moxxie: E-Easy?

Blitzo: Yes, Moxxie.

Moxxie: What do you mean "Easy"?

Blitzo: Steal the most valuable from one human.

Moxxie: Most valuable thing?

Blitzo: Most valuable thing is Japanese eels. They worth 2k money.

Moxxie: How can I get that?

Blitzo: From the lake house in human realm.

Moxxie: Lake house?

Blitzo: Yeah. Its in rainy forest.

Moxxie: Is it far?

Blitzo: Nope. It just few mins from there.

Moxxie: Ok then. Bye sir.

Just as Moxxie leaves, Blitzo quickly ask Moxxie for something.

Blitzo: Moxxie, wait!

Moxxie: *Looks at him* Yes, boss?

Blitzo: Take the protection suit before you go to human realm.

Moxxie: Why?

Blitzo: Because Japanese eels are electricity and will shock you to death. Just be careful, Moxxie, while you are putting Japanese eels in a jar and holding them properly.

Moxxie: I will be careful, Blitzo.

Moxxie walks towards to the door.

Moxxie: Bye, sir! *waving at him*

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