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Tae - yes what you heard is true.

Yn - but......you loved me?

Taehyung - oh that....ahhhuuuu i used to love you but not anymore. And You also used to say the same thing you don't want to live with me you didn't love me and now you are sad why hmm why (with shout)

I really got a heart attack 💘 i'm whole world is rolling why? 

Yn - I'm not sad about this but I can't understand that you told my family that you love me and you tell me to that's why you ask me to marry. But now you don't love....me anymore. I don't understand what do you want to say what do you say what do you want . *With irritated voice*

Taehyung - ahh You have to know what I am saying right.

Yn - *with tears* ye-yes i wa-want to know.

he grabbed my hair and pulled me back i hold his hand iam trying to escape but i can't.

Yn - aaaahhh what are u doing leave me ahh it hurting me.

He stop in middle and see in my eyes. In his eyes i van see anger love and hateness with some tears.  Whu why he is upset like this.

Taehyung - i want revenge..

I dont know why but my heart hurting lije someone is aching or someone shoot me my heart got heavy cauz i'm desperate to know why he want revenge gor what he want revenge and why from me what did i do?

Yn - revenge for what? what are you saying i still don't understand .

Taehyung - So listen, I married you to take revenge because you killed my sister.

Yn - what? i ki-killed y-y-your sis-sister? i-i didn't kill any..ooone . Who-who-who are you talking about? Who-who is your sis-sister? I really don't know.

Taehyung -Don't be so naive, you killed my Taeu.

tears welled up in my eyes my world is stopped for some time like i am not in this world i am in the like hell.

Yn - m-me? T-taeu was you-your sister *with shock and sobbing*

Taehyung - yes my sister Was Taeu whom you killed

Yn - I didn't kill......Taeu she-she was my best friend she was my heartbeat she was my life. How did you even think that I......k-killed Taeu.

Taehyung - you have killed her and now there is no need to explain. You see I will take revenge for all his sorrows from you.

he pushed me and threw me down leaving my hair.

Taehyung ​​went out and gave a week's leave to all the workers and everyone left at the same time.
I didn't know what to do, I couldn't do anything except cry.

Me to me - I didn't kill anyone i didn't kill taeu she she is my life she is is that chapter of my life that i want to read everyday everytime every second and every minute every hours and he is telling that i killed taeu i'm not crying because he hurt me i'm crying because of this worst blame ever i heard on me. Ahhh i want to scream as i can as u listen me taeu.

After sometime he come again and said to me.

Taehyung - don't cry now you have to cry daily so don't waste your tears now.

Yn - Just one time see in my eyes and then tell that you really thik that i killed taeu.

Taehyung - i don't have time for this cheap things that doesn't have sense. I know that you killed my taeu and i don't have any doubt in this.

Yn - no your heart is not accepting this too. Because your mind is taking over your heart.

Taehyung - hlo don't teach me this bullsh*t ok

Yn - tell this thing to your mind because your mind is one who playing with your feelings don't lock your heart in a sell. Cuz your hearts want to tell you you the truth just unlock it one time.

Love's Dangerous Game Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ