I died.

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Your frown went unnoticed by your class representative. He sat down next to the bench you were occupying with a smile on his face. It seemed genuine so you didn't think twice of it "come on L/n! You need to loosened up and enjoy nature once in awhile"

"Loosened up? every Monday morning, we get to school seven sharp and we go to this chickens coop just because Oikawa sensei wanted to play zoo keeper." Your class representative, Fujikawa Haruto, burst laughing like it's the funniest thing he's heard today.

Fujikawas was the only person that was willing to talk with you. You don't know if it was him doing his duty as the class rep or him secretly poking a fun at the lamest girl in the class or him just being a friendly guy.

In his hand were a fist of mixed seeds, handing them over on your palm "i genuinely have never seen you feed those chickens. You should give it a try come on— dont tell me you're afraid of them?"

Your eyebrows pinched together, out of habit honestly but you didn't like his accusation, not a bit. Of course that was his attempt of getting you out of your shell but you didn't know that. "fine, give me the damn seeds"

You both stood up, then he started running. It felt like it was the normal thing to do to run after him, well not really run but like those speed jog. He was ahead of you and thought it was a great idea to shout earning the attention of your fellow classmates.

"L/N is going to feed the chicks! move" his few strands of black hair bobs down his sweaty forehead, glancing to make sure you were still following him and you were.

The sudden change of atmosphere made you feel this weird feelings inside. Yes, you know you were socially awkward, it was one of the reason why you were sitting on the bench alone as you watch your classmates enjoying themselves. To tell the truth there was nothing wrong with you. You were just a bit introverted and.. awkward.

Sometimes, you get jealous when you see how easy it was for others to make friends, to have lunch buddies, to have someone walk you home.

When they starts walking together and blocking the hallway, you wish they would die. When you see a couple flirting with each other at the staircase you hope one of them cheats. When you hear the obnoxious group of friends starts laughing loudly and you just want them to drop dead right now.

Lost in your own sea of thoughts, you've forgotten that you were now jogging towards the chicken to feed them . Like its some sick youtube prank video, you found yourself levitating in the air— for a few seconds before gravity pull you down and your face fall flat down onto the ground. You could've sworn you tripped on someone's foot but it was too late for you to even think it through again.

You clenched your eyes shut as your whole being hit the grownd. Everyone gasp in terror and was now solely looking down on your back. Your class rep felt his heart dropped pondering how in the hell did you trip when you were fine earlier. His hand immediately extended towards your shoulder, in an attempt to lift you up. "L/n are you okay? can you stand up?"

Reluctantly, he lifted you up and sat you down before freezing in his spot. The smell of raw and irln did not get pass the tip of your nose. Other than your dirty red forehead, your uniform were also stained in red. in blood. You didn't know that the human body is capable of squishing 3 chicks on the spot (you find out the hard way) . You can see tiny little eyeballs rolling ever so slightly.

Oh god.

Your eyes watered. you were gonna cry. Your forehead hurts and it seemed like you had grazed one of your palm as you glance down to inspect the burning sensation on it.

"oh my god... she killed the babies!"

"Sensei help!!"

For some reason your classmates voices came out incoherently to your ears. You can't hear  them anymore.

Devil in Tokyo (ReaderxYuji Itadori)Where stories live. Discover now