𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧

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"Hi baby' you ok?" Lauren answered the phone making Angel smile, her and Lauren talked every other day she was truly her mom in her eyes

"Yes I wanted to come over are you guys home?" She asked and Lauren replied yes, Angel told her she would be there in 20 minutes she didn't know how this was about to go she was her fathers youngest daughter he always looked at her differently. Once she arrived at her dads she looked down at her flat stomach placing her hand on it

"It's just me and you bubs " she sighed turning the car off grabbing her purse, she got out the car shutting the door walking inside the house

"Dad it's me! Your favorite child!" She yelled walking to the kitchen seeing him standing there looking in the pot

"Wassup baby girl " he walked over kissing her forehead she smiled and sat at the table

"Hi dad! Where's Lauren?" She placed her purse down next to her crossing her legs

"She's upstairs , it's my birthday or sum your sister said she was on her way" Angel rolled her eyes, she knew exactly what she was coming here for to make sure Angel told him first so she can slip in right after her

"No I need to talk to you tho" she nibbled on her bottom lip she was nervous she was 26 and 6 weeks pregnant by a man who she has blocked. How was she gonna explain that to her father? How was she gonna be a mother when her own mother was a shitty one.

"What's going on?"he asked walking over to the table sitting down, Lauren came down the steps smiling from ear to ear

"Hi beautiful!" Lauren kissed Angel forehead

"Can we sit on the couch?" Angel asked making her father raise his eyebrows , they all got up and made their way to the couch. The front door opened and they heard Aaliyah aniya and Santana walk in

"Ok great everyone is here, sit please!" Angel said making Santana mug her

"Hello to you to" he bucked at Angel who flipped him off, he dapped their father up and hugged Lauren before sitting down

"Hi tit!" Aniya smiled at Angel

"Hi baby can you sit down please " aniya nodded crawling on the couch sitting next to her, she looked up seeing every starring at her

"Ok I'm just gonna come out and say it. I'm 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant " Angel blurred out making her father and Santana jaw drop , Lauren gasp with the biggest smile on her face

" YOU FOREEAL?" Lauren hoped up clapping her hands running over to Angel who pulled out the sonograms showing her

"Damn you let my boy knock you up" Santana said laughing to himself, Aaliyah slapped his arm trying to quiet him down

"Dad?" She said nervously looking at her dad who sat there shocked , this was the last thing he expected his daughter to tell him

"I uh..." her dad cleared his throat she could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes the last thing she wanted was her father to be disappointed in her

"Nah baby nah I'm happy for you, I wasn't expecting this dont cry baby girl. Congratulations " he stood up walking over sitting down next to her , he was actually happy about getting another grand baby. Angel looked over at Aaliyah giving her that look

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