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Soon enough, Bells graduated. It was over too soon. She was officially an adult, and it was scary to say the least.

It felt as if months had gone by in a matter of minutes. I had just graduated. We had just met the Cullens. We had just moved here. It was all too fast.

Alice had the party ready, and it was beautiful. Bells and I got ready with Alice, and Rosalie even stopped by to say hi to us. She was making an effort to be nicer to Bells, and it was appreciated on all fronts.

Bells told me about her falling out with Jacob, and I felt for her. It was hard to watch from the sidelines as she wanted Edward, but Jacob couldn't take being just friends. It made me glad there was only a small amount of drama when it came to Jasper.

Lately it had only been about the talks I had tried to have about our future. I didn't want to push anything like Bells has been, but it was true when she said we weren't getting any younger. It was a bit scary, as everything was, especially when it was such a sensitive topic.

There was never any anger, just reluctance. But it was enough for me. It created distance. We still talked, and hung out, but there was a space when I went to sleep. Sometimes it feels as if I created it, and other times it feels as if I can't manage to reach across it to bring him closer to me.

It was hurting, and I knew he could tell. What made it hurt more was that he was trying. He was taking me out on dates, and making sure he was showering me with affection. It was harder for him to do that, and while it was appreciated, it was still hard when it was only for avoidance.

It was why I was spending so much more time with Alice, Sienna, and Rosalie. Like now. I was standing with Rosalie and Emmett as everyone was socializing in the Cullen house.

It was the most crowded I had ever seen. Esme fit right into the role of a hostess, and she loved it. She loved the kitchen, and the planning, and making sure everyone was doing ok.

Bells was talking with Alice and Edward, and I had no idea where Jasper was. He could be in some corner, and I would never be able to tell.

"I swear, if you need me to, I can knock some sense into him."

My attention is brought back to Rosalie, who I was accidentally ignoring while searching yet again for my boyfriend.

"No. It's not needed. We just need to talk. I'm not mad, I just wish he would, I don't know, talk about it, I guess."

"It can take time. It can be hard to accept this life, so knowing it is coming to the person you love..."

"How did you do it with Emmet?"

Rosalie smiles, and links hands with the man beside her. I couldn't help the small rise of envy in my chest. I wanted some emotional contact right now.

"It was easier than what I'm sure Jasper and Edward are doing. He was in danger of dying. There was only so much time to decide."

I nod, acknowledging this. It made sense. There was no situation that was the same. I would talk to Jasper, and we would get past this. I knew that.

It just felt as if time was moving so slow. It could be the human in me, but I wanted it to go faster.

I look up at Rosalie touching my arm. She nodded over to a small room that was away from the party.

Bells and Edward, along with Jacob and others were there. When did Jacob get here? I touch Rosalie on her arm that was still resting on mine as a form of goodbye, and make my way over. As soon as I get there, Jasper comes into view.

As if there were no past conversations between us, he stands next to me, and touches his hand to my back. I feel instantly calmer, and know that he is promising to talk later, as soon whatever this is, is cleared up.

From this vantage point in the room, I can also see Alice, Sienna, Carlisle, and a few werewolves I don't know the names of.

Alice looked frightened.

"They were passing around clothing. A cardigan, and some shirts."

"I'm missing a cardigan." I look over at Bells, and the color drains from my face. If I thought about it hard enough, there was a shirt that I've been missing. I just assumed it was left at Bella's when I was packing.

If this was happening, then the army was going on the move. I wasn't surprised that Victoria wasn't waiting a long time. We had officially confirmed it was probably Victoria, as it was easier if she had a leader in the army making the decisions instead of her, so we wouldn't be able to see her coming.

We had no idea the actual size of the newborns, only the rough number of people missing.

"We can help. With that number of vampires coming, we will have more numbers, and it seems like it's needed."

Jacobs' offer takes everyone back. It was crazy, the things that this boy would do for Bella. None of us were stupid. That's his reasoning. Not some caring part of him, or even me.

Not that any one of us seemed to be complaining. It was needed. We couldn't be proud enough to reject his offer, as the numbers were needed, even if they weren't wanted. 

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