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"Let's have a dance shall we?"

C/N (country name// Imagine yourself with a countryhuman you like or your crush) said, wearing his elegant suit, reaching his hand to me while his other hand was behind his back, inviting me for a dance.

We were in a empty fancy ballroom, full of rich decoration and lights. There was music in the background and it all seemed so calming and relaxing. The temperature was perfect.

I wasn't sure, I don't remember how I ended up here and how he was here, right in front of my eyes. It all felt real, he looked like a living thing, not a drawing or picture. I pinched myself on the arm to confirm.

I looked at myself and saw how elegant I was right now with my dress and heels, in the other hand, I didn't even know I was wearing it, making me confused and wondering how I got dressed like this.

I decided to nod, placing my hand on top of his. He then placed his other hand behind my back while I placed mine on his shoulder, slowly starting to dance the waltz.

The moves were fast, I shockingly knew how to dance and didn't trip. He was also a very good dancer and we together danced happily, I was smiling and danced with the flow of the music.

When the song ended, he pulled me close and placed his hand on my cheek, leaning closer for a romantic kiss. I closed my eyes and waited for him to do the first move, but suddenly he leaned away and smiled.

I looked confused, wondering why he leaned away. He started walking away, slowly increasing speed, I needed him, so I started to chase after him but the heels and dress I was wearing was making it difficult.

I followed him and then saw he stopped in front of a door, turning around and smiling again at me. I was confused, why did he lead me here?

He opened the door and a bright light came through it, he entered inside and left.

I wanted to be with him, my mind and body was begging for him, so I decided to go inside the door and closed my eyes because it was too bright.












"Sir! She won't wake up!"

"What do you mean she won't wake up?!"

"She has been sleeping for a while now"

"Take her chair and make her fall"

"Wouldn't that be painful?"

"Painful enough to wake her up"

"Isn't this like an introduction of this story? We need to make a good impression to grab the readers attention"

"Who cares about that shit, I want her awake, now" The unknown person said the last word sternly.

"We should delete this part and start everything again or else it would look bad"

"Do not delete this part, everyone has to know how a sleepyhead she is, now, take her chair"

"Yes, my Fuhrer"

-by fearno or fearlessnxthing

The Unexpected Encounter //WW2 Countryhumans x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu