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SOMEHOW, THE gang was able to find eddie and delilah on dry land and pretty much discuss whatever the hell last night was. the conversation went on for a hot minute, before delilah walked over to robin.

"hey robin, can i talk to you privately for a minute?"

"yeah, sure!"

"ok... you remember that time we tried to make a cake from scratch and ended up with an absolute disaster that had more smoke than flavor?"

robin chuckled, a knowing glint in her eyes. "oh, how could i forget? it was the great baking fiasco of '84. we were covered in flour, and that smoke detector didn't stand a chance."

delilah grinned, the memory serving as a lighthearted entry point to a more serious conversation. "yeah, well, i've got something a bit more serious i want to talk to you about, robs."

robin's expression softened, sensing the change in tone. "alright, hit me. what's on your mind, dee?"

delilah's smile wavered as she took a deep breath. "it's about eddie."

robin raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "eddie, huh? are you finally going to confess your undying love for the dude?"

delilah's cheeks flushed, a mix of embarrassment and nerves. "yeah, something like that."

robin nudged her playfully. "about time, dee. i've been shipping you two since, like, forever. and by forever i mean two days."

delilah laughed, grateful for robin's easygoing nature. "yeah, well, it's not as simple as it sounds."

robin leaned against the wall, giving her full attention. "okay, spill the beans. what's holding you back?"

delilah sighed, staring at the ground for a moment before meeting robin's gaze. "honestly, i think i've developed some sort of crush on him. it's just... he's been such a good friend, you know? i'm scared that if i tell him, it might change things in a negative way."

robin's eyes sparkled mischievously. "you owe me a week's supply of cheese puffs for this if everything works, though."

they both burst into laughter, a familiar inside joke that lightened the mood. delilah leaned in, her voice serious. "seriously, though, robin. i don't want to mess up our friendship, but i also don't want to regret not telling him."

robin's smile softened. "i know, dee. and you're right. it's better to take that leap than to wonder 'what if.' but only do it when you're ready."

delilah nodded, her heart full of gratitude for her friend's understanding. "i will. i'll tell him later or like, in a few days. just need to gather my thoughts."

robin gave her a reassuring smile. "you got this, delilah. and remember, i'm here to support you every step of the way."

as they continued their conversation, delilah felt a renewed sense of determination. she was fortunate to have someone like robin by her side; someone who knew her quirks, her fears, and her dreams. with her friend's encouragement, delilah felt ready to take the next step in her journey to confess her feelings to eddie.

the fact that she didn't know if the feeling is mutual is kind of funny, because spoiler alert! while delilah and robin were talking, eddie was speaking with nancy, steve, lucas, max, and dustin about how HE felt! oh yeah!

as soon as delilah and robin made their merry ways to a secluded area, eddie's nervous energy was palpable.

"alright, ed-man, you look like you're about to explode," steve remarked with a smirk. "what's your secret?"

second chances? | eddie munson x fem! ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat