4. MOM? (p-1)

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After hearing Eun's scream they all leapt outside. Bad thoughts closing there head. Especially Jungkook and Jimin, they lost someone they cherished so much and when she is finally here they don't want to lose her now...even though she don't remember them.

They ran but even after them being vampires....just somehow Y/n ran faster than them, with so much worries on the beautiful face of her.but when she reached there all her worries just disappeared. As they saw....

KIM HEE SUN staring as

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KIM HEE SUN staring as



She almost went insane when she heard that her baby girl..her daughter is no more.After losing her whole family to the war , she only had her husband and her two children to live for. She knew that just someday she and her husband will be not there for her kids...even after being vampires she just had a feeling about it so she wanted them to be happy before she leave. But how wrong of her to think that....

Back to the story~

She saw Eun along her aunty Hee. But then it stricked her that aunty Hee is not her Aunty Hee....so she did what she thought was best. She ran , towards them in full speed and pulled Eun back.

On the other hand the mother was too stunned to speak. Who won't be, after learning that her daughter is back, alive , breathing.
But she was even too shocked to see Y/n........that wrecked witch.........the reason her daughter was snatched from her, the reason her husband is now a stone cold person who just don't Care anymore. She remember how he used to be happy , playing with their kids, laughing along with Eun, caring about his son.

But this witch she ruined everything in her life, after learning what Y/n had done to her precious son, she was already mad enough, but she still knew that it  isn't something she can force Y/n into but after knowing that she drove her daughter to the brick of death, she no longer care if that girl live or die. She ought to save her kids and other boys from this witch.

A/n- before you start to bash Hee let me clarify something.....1650s Y/n is not the same as this times Y/n. And after I post few more chapters you will know why am I saying so...ok Byy

i know its short but plz cope up. I will publish full chapters soon. The main reason being that I messed up few story lines and I need to fix them as soon as possible so plz I am really sorry.

To be continued~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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