13: A Democratic Rally (Henry)

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Suddenly the make-up and hair people are off him and gone. Bea is kneeling in front of him. Her lips moving. His heart is definitely beating; it is all he can hear. He is breathing, but it feels like the air has no oxygen; every breath is stale air that doesn't reach his lungs. He starts to breathe quicker, trying to get the air in. Pez is on his other side. The chair is beneath him, but it doesn't feel sturdy. He can't move from it. Every thought is on trying to get good air, air, air. Where is the air? Has someone sucked it all from the room?

A word comes through.

"Pills." Bea's voice. "Henry, where are your pills?" Henry can't move. He can't think. He doesn't know. He doesn't know anything. Where are his pills? Is today his wedding? Where is Alex? Does Alex still love him? How many people are outside? How long does he have until he has to face them? How long has he been sitting here frozen like this?

Suddenly he's forced to take a deeper breath because if he doesn't he knows he will pass out. Air fills his lungs. But the next breath they don't. A few more quick breaths without air. And then another deep one that fills his lungs.

"Breathe in, Breathe out." His sister again. He tries to follow along with her words. When he finally feels like he could raise his head, he finds Pez searching through their stuff, presumably still looking for the pills. Henry can't remember where they are. He has to get out of this chair.

He starts to get up, his sister grabs onto his arm. Henry slowly lowers himself to the floor. It's cool and solid; it feels good beneath his palms. He lays himself down on his back, hard cool floor against his head. He focuses on the floor beneath him. On counting the beads on the chandelier above him. His breathing starts to regulate.

Suddenly, June bursts into the room, Nora on her heels. "Pez, we need to talk."

"June. Now?" Pez freezes what he was doing.

"Yes. Now." She's already in her silver sheath gown with the split up one side. Nora is not yet in her matching gown. Bea would also be wearing a silver gown, but in a more conservative a-line style, and Pez's silver suit is hanging up next to Henry's white tux.

Pez looks at her, and Nora behind her. "Here?"

"Close the door," June says and Nora does.

"June, please," Nora starts. "It's not his faul-"

"Don't think that I'm not equally mad at you, Nora! How could you both be so stupid? The day before my brother's wedding! And all the press is here! We can't have this getting out! Pez is my official date to the wedding!"

Bea suddenly chimes in; she's standing above Henry. "June, I'm not going to tell anyone. And neither will my mother."

"But do you understand, Bea? Will your mother? She's going to see us all differently and I don't want anything to cause any drama today–"

"June! You are the only one causing drama! And have you realized we aren't alone?" Pez finally snaps at her, nodding in Henry's direction, who is still lying flat on the floor.

The room goes silent. Every eye is on him.

"Henry, are you alright?" June's voice quickly turns soft.

"Just fine." Henry pulls himself off the floor and back into the chair. "And I already know, or well, strongly suspected." They all stare at him once more, waiting for what he'll say next. "You're together. The three of you." Henry looks between June, Pez, and Nora. "Sit, please, everyone."

People take a seat on the various couches and chairs around the room. Nora explains that she went to see Pez at the hotel last night. That Bea and Catherine caught them together, before Bea had gone to Henry's room for the night. Henry reassures June that his mother would not say anything to anyone, especially during the wedding. And reassures her that he won't say anything to Alex either.

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