Part 5!!!

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My sister and cam got to Nelson's house an hour later. I was asleep on the couch cuddled up on Nelson. My cheek and eye against his cold Bare chest. I'm not sure if he was asleep if not. "Yoo" cam says coming into the living room. Nelson shifts his position to where his face is right next to mine. I could feel his soft breath as he slept.

"Their both asleep" my sister says. "Aww their cuddling" cam says. "Oh hi cam!" Mrs. Nuemann says coming into the living room laying another blanket over Nelson and I bc it was pretty cold. "Is it ok if we stay the night? In the guestroom?" Asks cam. "Yea ofc" mrs nuemann says. "Thanks" cam says. They go up stairs to the guestroom.
Everyone goes up stairs to sleep leaving Nelson and i on the couch.

I started squirming thinking abt Maddison and Addie. "U ok?" Nelson whispers opening his blue eyes. "Yea js thinking" I say. "Abt those girls?" Asks Nelson."yea" I say. "Don't their just jealous" Nelson says. "Of what though. Their skinny and pretty" I say. "And so are u. Ur beautiful el. And an amazing actress" Nelson says. "Thanks ig" I say before closing my eyes to go back to sleep. I wrap my arms around nelson pulling myself closer to him. My head in the crook of his neck. I feel his chest move in and out from his breathing. It was so smooth and soothing. I Soon Feel asleep.

The next morning I woke up wrappened in Nelson's arms. He was still sleep. "Good morning  Liz" mrs nuemann says. "Oh good morning Mrs nuemann." I say. "So you and Nelson" she asks sitting by me and Nelson cuddled together. "We'll we just meet but he's a great guy." I say. "Yk this kid is so insecure abt himself. He doesn't walk around shirtless unless it's just family home or ppl he trusts. So he must really trust u" she says. "Why would he be insecure? I mean he's gorgeous" I say. "We'll he got hate for how he used to look. And he started working out a lot" says mrs nuemann. "Oh" I say. "He seems to rlly trust u I can just tell by the look In his eye as he looks at you" says mrs nuemann. "Wow..." I say smiling "he's doesn't ever get to close with girls after his tough break up" says mrs nuemann. "Oh poor guy. Break ups are tough" I say. "Yea" says mrs nuemann but then theirs a knock on the door. "Oh my friends here your going to love her!!" Says mrs nuemann standing up to get the door. "Hey!!" She says opening the door. "Hi" says her friend. "Oh Liz their is mrs. Jordan's" she says. "Hi Mrs Jordan's!!" I say. "Oh please call me Heather." Mrs Jordan's well, Heather says. "Oh ok!" I say. "So ru Nelson's girlfriend" she says taking notice of us cuddled on the couch. "Oh uhm no, where just friends" I say with a sweet smile. "Mhm" both woman say. "Well I can tell u one thing. That boy trusts you with his whole life" Heather says. "I trust him with my whole life to" I say.

Nelson starts to wiggle around wrapping his arms around me gently placing his head on my shoulder. I say my head on top of his. "You two are so cute" mrs muemann says. I smile brightly. "My daughters gonna hate you" Heather says looking down at the floor. "Y?" I say giving her a confused look. "She's inlove with Nelson if I'm being honest but he won't rlly talk to her." Heather says. "Her daughters a pick me" Nelson mumbles in my ear. "Oh I'm sorry abt that" i say to heather. I pick my head up from on top of Nelson's. As I start playing with his blonde curls. "But she's a lot younger. She's 9" heather says. "Oh" I say. "She's very sweet though" says mrs nuemann. "Yes" says heather.

Nelson starts squirming around again. "He's so adorable" Heather says. "Ikr" mrs nuemann says. (They both ment it in a mom way Yk?).

I sat their awkwardly. "Oh my daughters here too" Heather syas. "Oh nice she can come meet liz" say mrs nuemann. "Abby come in here"Heather yells. I little girl walks in. She was abt 9 and had some interesting make up on. "Hi Abby" mrs nuemann says. "Hi" Abby says. "Erm who is this?" Abby asks giving me a look. "This is Liz. Nelsons bestfriend" says heather "What do you mean I'm Nelson's bestfriend" Abby says. "Abby honey Nelson has lots of friends not just you"  mrs nuemann says. "No I'm his only girl friend" Abby says. I just sat their awkwardly with Nelson. I knew he was faking being asleep still. I mean he whispered in my eye Afew minutes ago. I knew he didn't feel save with the little girl seeing his shirt less. He pulled the blankets over his body with just his head sticking out. Mrs nuemann notices and looks at me. I js nod understandably. "Abby Nelson is very good friends with Liz" Heather says still explaining the Abby that Nelson has other friends with her even though Nelson not even her friend. 

"No Nelson is mine" Abby says angerly ripping the blanket off me n nelson. Nelson's eye shoot open. As he stands up and walks away. He goes up stairs and I follow. "Nelson get ready for basket ball u are playing with JL3 today" mrs Nuemann calls after us. "Ok!!" I calls back. He gets his jersey out and a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. Then his door burst open. "Ur team hopping?" Cam asks coming in. "They need an extra player this weekend" nelson says putting the black shirt on then the jersey over. "Am I atlest invited to the game?" Cam asks. "Ofc u can come coach cammy daddy" nelson says.

"I'm Nelson, Nelson nuemann"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant